This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 15th May 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 252
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P252 CEEFAX 252 Tue 15 May 21:17/28 1/5 ! "£ FIGHTING FIT The world is full of people telling you to get up, get out and get fit. And contrary to popular belief you don't have to spend a lot to stay fit. Being fit means having lots of energy, eating a balanced diet, staying healthy exercising and enjoying yNurself. It is a combination of physical and mental well being. The cost of staying fit depends on the exercise or sport you choose and whether or not you join a club. More
P252 CEEFAX 252 Tue 15 May 21:23/11 2/5 U ! "£ FIGHTING FIT Having the latest gear can cost a fortune. Being comfortable is more important than being fashion conscious.AEROBICS is ideal for beginners with classes at all levels of fitness. The average price is £2 per session and for £20 you can buy leotards,legwarmers etcSWIMMING is first-class exercise for everyone and the cost is in pence rather than pounds. Check the telephone directory for the local authority swimming-pool nearest you. More
P252 CEEFAX 252 Tue 15 May 21:24/22 3/5 U ! "£ FIGHTING FIT BADMINTON is the simplest of racket sports. A racket can cost between £10- £15 but money can be saved by using Local authority courts. The Badminton Association has a list of clubs for you to join. TENNIS is suitable for anyone. Rackets cost from £10-£40. Club costs vary and lhe Lawn Tennis Association can supply a list. Remember that "whites" may be expensive, sN shop around. Ncal authority courts are inexpensive and there is no dress code. More
P252 CEEFAX 252 Tue 15 May 21:18/28 4/5 ! "£ FIGHTING FIT CYCLING can be fun for the beginner. Initial expenses for a bike, lights and insurance, can be expensive, but after that the cost is minimal. RUNNING can make the joints ache but it is great for the beginner. A decent pair Nf running shNes costs around £20-SQUASH is for people who are reasonably fit to begin with. Rackets cost around £15 and local authority courts are the cheapest. Private clubs can cost as much as £300 a year or more to join! More
P252 CEEFAX 252 Tue 15 May 21:16/47 5/5 U ! "£ FIGHTING FIT - SOME USEFUL ADDRESSES...BADMINTON ASSOCIATION of ENGLAND Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK8 9LA Tel: 0908-568822 LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION, Barons Court, West Kensington, London W14 9EG Tel: 01-385-2366 AMATEUR SWIMMING ASSOCIATION, Harold Fern House, Derby Square, LNughborough, Leics LE11 0AL THE SPORTS COUNCIL, 16 Upper Woburn Pl, London WC1H 0QP Tel: 01-388-1277 More