This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 15th May 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 253
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P253 CEEFAX 253 Tue 15 May 21:01/44 1/2 U ! "£ GET ON YOUR BIKE! This week is National Bike Week, a celebration of the recreational and commuting uses of cycling. For those people tottering Nn the edge of the pavement the message is - come and join us, cycling is fun! Each day has its own theme. Sunday is Leisure Rides and Wednesday is Health and Safety. The themes focus on the benefits of cycling for people who haven't ridden a bike in years. More
P253 CEEFAX 253 Tue 15 May 21:22/28 2/2 ! "£ GET ON YOUR BIKE! You'll find out everything you wanted to know about cycling ...and more. The organisers have made sure that information, special events and even the bike hop will be laid on by local bike groups. For more details about what's going on in your area contact: CYCLE CAMPAIGN NETWORK 3 Stanford Street, London SE1 Tel: 01-928-7220 More