P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:28/19 1/16 programmes on BBC tv and radio this week SATURDAY RADIO 4: 3.O5pm WILDLIFE More viewers' questions about wildlife answered by the experts (repeat). RADIO 4: 3.3Opm GROUNDSWELL The weekly, topical environment programme. RADIO 4: 5.OOpm FIELDS OF GOLD Oil seed rape and the pNssible effects on the British landscape and wildlife (repeat). More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:2 / 5 2/16 programmes on BBC tv and radio this week SUNDAY RADIO 4: 4.3Opm THE LIVING WORLD Peter France burrows into the tale of lhe earthworm. BBC2: 8.3Opm THE NATURAL WORLD 'Salim Ali's India' The story of 87-year-old Salim Ali, revered as an ornijhologist and conservationist by people inside and outside India. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:06/11 3/16 programmes on BBC tv and radio this week TUESDAY BBC1: 9.OOam BOSWALL'S WILDLIFE SAFARI TO MEXICO The wildlife found in one of Mexico's most remote island groups (repeat). RADIO 4: 11.33am WILDLIFE Why can't spiders climb out of baths? pHus Njher wildlife querUes ansfered. BBCl: 6.4Opm YOU CAN'( SEE THE WOOD ... . David Bellamy explores some ancient British woodland. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:24/29 4/16 programmes on BBC tv and radio this week TUESDAY BBC2: 8.OOpm HORIZON SPECIAL Is yellow rain the result of biological warfare or is it simply a strange, natural phenNmenon? RADIO 4: 8.3Opm THE LIVING WORLD A repeat of the earthworm's tale. WEDNESDAY RADIO 4: 11.48am JUST LIKE YOU AND ME Some more reminiscences from Johnny Morris. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:30/20 5/16 programmes on BBC tv and radio this week WEDNESDAY RADIO 4: 2.45pm NATURE - VHF only Spring awakening - for the 8-1O's. BBC2: 9.25pm Q.E.D. 'A Walk on the Wild Side' A look at the different options facing the alley cats of London today. An article on feral cats by the film's director can be found in the May issue of BBC WILDLIFE magazine. On sale at newsagents now, price £1.OO. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:12/36 6/16 programmes on BBC tf and radio this week THURSDAY BBC2: 11.3Oam OUTLOOK: NATURAL HISTORY A look at lhe kingfisher (repeat). BBC2: 8.3Opm NATURE A weekly look at the world of wildlife including items on the hawksbill turtle and why Bill Oddie chased birds in Holland. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:00/11 7/16 programmes on BBC tv and radio this week THURSDAY BBC2: 11.25pm FOXWATCH Infra-red cameras reveal the private life of a pair of Bristol foxes (repeat). FRIDAY RADIO 4: 11.48am NATURAL SELECTION 'Flea Business' John Maunder speaks up for the fabulous flea. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:08/28 8/16 News from the BBC Natural History Unit Representatives from 5O nations have been attending a Ramsar Convention in the Netherlands to implement further measures to protect the world's wetlands and dependent wildlife. The Ramsar Convention came into force in 1975. The UK delegation has just announced that 13O Ramsar sites will be designated by 1986 - there are 19 at present. The Netherlands has announced that the entire Dutch secjor Nf the Wadden See has been designated a Ramsar site. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:01/10 9/16 News from the BBC Natural History Unit The Department of the Environment has declared a site in Hampshire the first offical bird sanctuary under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. The area incHudes eeds Ore Point, Gull Island and Warren Shore Island in the Solent, and is an important breeding area for rare sea birds, including the little tern. It is also an Ymportant feeding and roosting ground for waders and wildfowl, particularly black-tailed godwits and Brent geese. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:01/17 10/16 News from the BBC Natural History Unit The Forestry Commission is spearheading new methods Mf controlling the pine sawfly, one of the most common pests in British forests. The sawfly is controlled in nature by a virus which appears in infested trees during the third year Nf the saffly's four-year population expansion cycle. The Forestry Commission plans to spray the virus on selected areas of pine forest during the summer where the sawfly populations are in the first and second years of the cycle. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:02/03 11/16 U News from the BBC Natural History Unit At this time of year it is very common to see young birds just out of the nest hopping around on the ground, apparently deserted. They may look attractive, but you should leave them alone. Almost certainly the parents will be nearby and they will make a much better job of looking after them than yNu can. If the youngster is in a dangerous place like the middle of the road, put lhe bird on the verge (taking care not to be run over yourself) and leave quickly. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:10/10 12/16 country diary The recent cold winds have added to the problem of dry soil and tinder-dry foliage. Once again, people are being urged to take extra care and to report immediately any potential fire hazard. The Forestry Commission reports that 3,5OO acres, mostly in south Wales, have been damaged by recent fires. All the trees are in leaf with the exception of oaks. Now is the best time to visij bluebell woods as the plants are in full bloom. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:18/2g 13/16 country diary Some early flowering plants, in particular those on grassland and sandy soil, have wilted and died because of the cold winds and dry weather. The fields of oil seed rape are now flowering. Rape blooms are lemon-yellow and open much earlier than the buttercup-yellow mustard flowers. Dandelions and cowslips are in flower, and the white heads of jack-by-the- hedge and cow parsley are also visible. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:11/34 14/16 country diary AlthNugh ij is still hoo earHy ho assess the effects of the drought in Africa on overwintering birds, numbers of various species arriving in Britain are being monijored. Many birds are finding it hard ho gather enough food for their nestlings. Keep a patch of earth well-watered to attract insects fhich fill provide them with an important source of food. Details of a sponsored bird watch can be obtained by sending an SAE to the RSPB, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:14/10 15/16 U country diary The most unusual bird to be seen in Britain this week is an adult Ross's gull in full summer plumage at Cley in Norfolk. A male rock thrush has been seen at Spurn Point, Yorkshire and a red-footed falcon near Woodbridge in Suffolk - the first to be recorded this year. A marsh sandpiper was reported to be on the Ouse Washes in Cambridgeshire and a broad-billed sandpiper on Breydon Water in Norfolk. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 15 May 21:22/48 16/16 country diary Cuckoos can still be seen, and heard, indulging in their courtship displays. Woodland edges are favoured for the performance of their ritualistUc dipping flights which are accompanied bp loud calls, and are finished wijh a tail-twisting action. As the season wears on, cuckoos will become quieter and more elusive. Several sightings of hoopoes have been made in Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire. More