P288 CEEFAX 288 Tue 15 May 21:01/25 2/3 Press REVEAL for answers How do you catch a rabbit? Hide behind a bush and make a noise like a lettuce. How do you catch a squirrel? Hang upside down in a tree and look like a nut. Why was the caterpillar late for work? Because he had too many boots to put onWhat is the opposite of a hot dog? A cool cat. Why do dogs wag their tails? Because the tails can't wag the dogs. Thanks to Louise Killner and Stephen Downes More
P288 CEEFAX 288 Tue 15 May 21:22/14 3/3 Press REVEAL for answers What do you call a reindeer that can't see? No idea. What creature can add up? An octoplus. What do you get if yNu cross a footballer with a smoked fish? A goal kipper. What do you get if you cross a giraffe and a hedgehog? A twelve foot toothbrush. Which bird works underground? A mynah bird. Thanks to Marion Matheson, Jackie Gillies and Sarah Luscombe More