This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 15th May 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 293
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P293 CEEFAX 293 Tue 15 May 21:08/04 —0 ‖ p—0p0—‖0 p —0 —ph4 1/6 ■ h4 The Sue Ryder Foundation, which caters for the sick and disabled of all age groups, requires volunteers for its headquarters at Cavendish, Suffolk. People are needed for two months of service or longer, commencing in May or early June. Duties may include working with the patients, routine office work, cateringor gardening or other essential tasks.Board and lodging is provided with a small amount of pocket money. Applicants should be aged 18 or over. More in a moment
P293 CEEFAX 293 Tue 15 May 21:02/21 —0 ‖ p—0p0—‖0 p —0 —ph4 2/6 ■ h4 The National Association for Deaf-blind and Rubella Handicapped is organising a holiday for 12 deaf-blind young adults at Caister Holiday Camp. Accommodation at the camp near Great Yarmouth is in self-catering chalets. Volunteers are needed to offer one-to- one supervision and support. They will be helped by experienced professionals.Volunteers have to be aged 16 or more. No special skills are required. More in a moment
P293 CEEFAX 293 Tue 15 May 21:16/13 —0 ‖ p—0p0—‖0 p —0 —ph4 3/6 ■ h4 Grow a sunflower and spread a little happiness by joining the Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust's annual Giant Sunflower Competition. Free seeds are available for those who want to grow plants and can find sponsors for them. There are £200 worthof prizes going for the tallest sunflower and the mNst money raised. The competition is divided into three groups: adults, teenagers and under elevens. Details on this week's sheej, see sub-page 7. More in a moment
P293 CEEFAX 293 Tue 15 May 21:20/34 —0 ‖ p—0p0—‖0 p —0 —ph4 4/6 ■ h4 The National Society for Cancer Relief is seeking helpers for its London Flag Day Collection on Tuesday, July 10. The operation covers the whole of Greater London and house-to-house collections take place during the preceding week. The money collected is used to provide care and suppNrt for patients sufferingcancer, either by financial assistance or by providing specialised nursing. More in a moment
P293 CEEFAX 293 Tue 15 May 21:14/34 —0 ‖ p—0p0—‖0 p —0 —ph4 5/6 ■ h4 If you are over 16, but still consider yourself young, why not join the Tear Fund's Summer Workabout from July 14-21 at Stanton House in Oxfordshire. Mornings are spent doing various jobs, sawing, clearing ground, digging or decorating and in the afternoons there is a chance to relax. Evenings are spent learning about the Third World, the responsibilities of Christians towards those less fortunatethan themselves and the work of the Tear Fund. More in a moment
P293 CEEFAX 293 Tue 15 May 21:11/48 —0 ‖ p—0p0—‖0 p —0 —ph4 6/6 ■ h4 If you like further information about any if the items included in this series, please send an A5 (8"x6") stamped envelope marked CF/159 to: Mrs Angela Whitcher Information Officer The Volunteer Centre 29 Lower King's Road Berkhamsted Herts HP4 2AB More in a moment