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P252 CEEFAX 252 Tue 29 May 21:34/48   1/3            ! "£    YOGURT Although British consumption of yogurt has increased it is still low compared with European counterparts The Germans, French, Dutch and the Danish are way ahead of the Brits eating up to eight times more than we do. Yogurt is relatively new here aljhough various forms of it have been consumed in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Balkans for thousands of years. More
P252 CEEFAX 252 Tue 29 May 21:24/42   2/3            ! "£    YOGURT In Central Asia, the Near and Middle East and the Balkans, yogurt is believed to contain many life-promoting and healing properties. It is widely used as a beauty product, in the same way the British use a mNisturiser or hair condijioner. A new booklet, The Complete Yogurt Book has beauty preparation recipes which use yogurt as an ingredient - for example Yogurt and Honey Bath Oil. More
P252 CEEFAX 252 Tue 29 May 21:37/24   3/3            ! "£    YOGURT The Complete Yogurt Book contains many exciting recipes that use yogurt. There is a section entitled The Yogurt Diet, this includes the "Breakfast in a Glass" recipe, which sounds delicious whether you are dieting or nNt. If you would like the booklet send a large, stamped addressed envelope: Eden Vale, 9 Walton Street, London SW3 2JD. More