Teletext Recovery Viewer

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P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:18/31 1/23 V NEED TO     M   V WEEKLY NEWS  ANDFEATURES  FOR THE DEAF  AND HARD OF  HEARJNG   Edited by  Alison James   Our Vistel  number is:  01-576 1503
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:11/44  2/23 NEEDTO   The Interim Theatre Company has had some shocking news. Every year since 1978, the Arts Council of Great Britain has made a subsidy available to enable Interim to go on a three-month tour. This year, the subsidy has been refused. The official reasons given for this decision are: "the Company's artistic aims are no longer clear" and that all the reports on The Servant of Two Masters were "extremely disappointing." Interim says that the "extremely disappointing" reports were from the Council's own advisors. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:07/37  3/23 NEEDTO   The Arts Council has refused a subsidy for the Interim Theatre Company's tour. Terry Ruane, Director of Interim, says: "The Servant of Two Masters played toa capacity audiences at several venues lhroughNut the countru. "The Arts Council did not seek the views of deaf audiences and, as far as we know, there are no Arts Council advisors with knowledge of Theatre of the Deaf. "The two most popular shows that we have performed have been the ones which have goi bad assessments from the Arts Council advisors." More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:01/08  4/23 NEEDTO   The Arts Council has refused a subsidy for the Interim Theatre Company's tour. Terry Ruane warns: "If Interim is to disappear now, there is virtually NO chance for any other aspiring deaf lheatre groups to become professional." Interim requests your help. If you would like to express your support for Interim, or even if you saw The Servant of Two Masters and enjoyed it, please write to the Arts Council. The address to write to is: Luke Rittner, Secretary General, Arts CMuncil of Great Britain, 105 Piccadilly, London W1V 0AU. Paddy's loss
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:22/21  5/23  NEED TO   Appeal for information Paddy Ladd, a researcher for the "See Hear" programme, is appealing for information about a collection of tapes stolen from his car on Monday, May 14. The tapes, of archive footage, are absolutely irreplaceable and Paddy has offered a reward for their return. Paddy says the tapes form "an inestimable part of the history of deaf people in Britain." The collection was stolen at about 9pm from the car which was parked outside his home in Montague Road, Hackney. Boat Trip 1984
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:21/51  6/23 NEEDTO U  Have you goi your tUckets for the Boal Trip? If you would like to come on this year's trip, there are still tickeis available - although they are selling quickly. On Saturday, June 23, the MV Connaught will leave Westminster Pier at 10.30am, sail to Hampton Courj and rejurn at approximately 6pm. A SHORT stop will be made at Hampton Court. Subtitlers from bojh the BBC and ITV will be present as will the editors of Earshoj and .o Need To Shout. This could be your chance to tell us your comments. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:21/41  7/23 NEEDTO   Don't delay - order your tUckets for the Boat Trip Reunion. Mr Jack Ashley MP and representatives from the BDA, NDCS, BAHoH, RNID and many other organisations will be Uoining us Nn the t"ip. Tickets, sold on a first come, first served basis, cost £2 and can be ordered by writing to: No Need To Shout (Boat Trip), Room 7059, BBC TV Centre, Wood Lane, London, W12 7RJ. Please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope and make your cheques payable to Alan Roberts - Boat Trip. RNID Telephone Bureau
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:21/19  8/23  NEED TO   We recently featured an article on the Royal National Institute for the Deaf's $elephone Bureau. Many people expressed interest in this. The RNID would still like many more people to partUcipate in this service. Deaf people with suitable equipment can contact the Bureau which will then connect them to any hearing person wijh an ordinary telephone. When the call has been connected, the deaf person types what he wUshes to be said and the Bureau operator relays this text verbally to the hearing person. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:10/42  9/23  NEED TO   The "Nyal National Institute for the Deaf would still like more people to make use of its Telephone Bureau. A hearing person using the Bureau speaks to the operator who then types the reply so the words appear on the deaf subscriber's screen. The equipment needed by the deaf person is: a viewdata adaptor linked to a telephone and a television set. The RNID has negotiated a discount on adaptors and some local authorities have offered help with all or part of the cost. The Manp.wer Services Commission may also be able to give assistance. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:11/02  10/23  NEED TO   The RNyal National Institute for the Deaf would like more people to make use of its Telephone Bureau. Some deaf people have already been making regular use of the Bureau, including one person who hadn't used a phone for 30 years. The system enables deaf people to Comtact ANY hearing persNn fho has Nnly an ordinary telephone. If you would like more information about the Bureau, please contact: Telephone Bureau Supervisor, RNID, 105 Gower Street, London, WC1. Tel: 01-387 8033. Interpreting success
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:11/31  11/23 NEEDTO   Diana Mountcastle, who went to see "Fiddler on the Roof" performed by the Maccabi Association Youth Club, writes: "It was my first tUme of seeing thea play with interpreters. "Brenda Sutcliffe and Edward Jones interpreted the play fantastically. It was so easy to follow, my eyes travelled to and fro between them. "My frUends and I enjoyed it so much, we don't know how to express our gratitude to the interpreters. I dN hope there will be some more plays in the future." Gallaudet visit
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:12/22  12/23 NEEDTO   CaroHine Gambell repNets Nn her visij to Gallaudet College in the USA. "What adjectives can I use to describe my three weeks at Gallaudet - amazing, sensational, fantastic? "The place is just so oozing with knowledge and facts, I came hNme laden with books and other printed material. "My general impression of Gallaudet is one of confidence, fostered by enthusiasm and total communication. There is a willingness, eagerness and ability to communicate. Under these condijUons, Nne cannNi fail ho be better informed, better educated." More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:12/54  13/23 NEEDTO   Caroline Gambell reports on her visit to Gallaudet College in the USA. "You are not made to feel a freak and a failure because you rely on signing - signed conversation is natural to all. "I was impressed with the facilities available to encourage and assist students to participate in classes. By the means of flashing lights attached to the wall behind their chairs, students can alert the tutor fhen they want to become involved in a discussion "Jack Ashley MP gave a lecture on his hopes and aspirations for deaf people in England." More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:17/11  14/23 NEEDTO   CaroMine Gambell reports on her visij to Gallaudet College in the USA. "At the suggestion of an American penfriend, I wrote to a congressman and secured a special tour of the halls of government. There are signing guides at Capitol - Parliament please take note! "The whole Gallaudet event has inspired me wijh new determination noj to accept second best if, by perseverence, I can achieve improved standards for deaf people like myself. I have fulfilled an ambition and found anNjher - to rejurn" Caroline's trip was organised by CHIVE and sponsored by her local Lions Club. Tennis events
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:15/42  15/23 NEEDTO   We now have furjher details abNut the Royal National Institute for the Deaf's star tennis day. This takes place on June 9 at the David Lloyd Racket Club, Southall Lane, Hounslow, Middlesex. A round-robin tennis tournament will be held during the day and a star exhibijion match wijh pRofessionals aLd celebrities takes place in the evening. Admission only will cost £3 for adults and £1 for children. CMaching sessions cost 50p per half hour. Tickets can be bought on the door, or from: RNID, 105 Gower Street, London, WC1. Tel: 01-387 8033. Another tennis event
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:34/32  16/23 NEEDTO   The Federation of London Deaf Clubs' tennis section is holding individual championships on Saturday, June 30. Singles and mixed doubles competitions will be held at GEC Sports Ground in Wembley. Anyone who is registered wijh FLDC can enter. There will be a disco in the evening starting at 7.30pm. Admission to this will be £1.50. To enter the championships or apply for disco tickets, please write to: Anne Tyacke, 104 Burns Way, Heston, Middx. Entries for championships must be made before June 6. BDA Blackpool Rally
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:14/45  17/23  NEED TO   The North Wesl Regional counBil and lhe Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Council of the BritUsh Deaf Association are holding a Blackpool Rally. This will take place on Saturday, September 22 at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool. Dinner tickets cost £6.50, evening Nnly tUckets - £2.50. There will be a disco and a beauty queen contest. Tickets available from: Mr I Funnell, Rally Organiser, 31 Orders Lane, Kirkham, Preston, PR4 2TP. Or, from your local Branch Secretary. Please make cheques payable to BDA NWRC/YHRC. Sixty Six news
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:37/31  18/23 NEEDTO U  The Sixty Six Football Club's Presentation Dance was held recently. Congratulations To trophy winners Terry Slayford, top goalscorer of the season; Steve Lawrence, player of the year and Andy Garn, sportsman of the year. The Club will be going to Glasgow next month to take part in the Glasgow Football Club's anniversary tournament. Thanks to the Rev Jim Hamilton who has written to tell us of a Loop system which has recently been installed in Christ Church, Eccleston, St Helens. He says: "Afjer only a few weeks, we have ample evidence that the system is successful" Events
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:18/07  19/23 NEEDTO   The Bromley Chain would like to invite you to its AGM. This will take place at Beckenham Old TNwn Hall from 7.30pm on Friday, May 28 There will be a guest speaker from Sir Richard Attenborough's two-year inquiry into "The Arts and DUsabled People". The next meeting of the LNndon and Home Counties Lay Readers/Helpers Group will be on May 31 at 7pm in "Nom 301, Church House, Westminster. The 1984-85 programme will be discussed as will themes and speakers on biblical and theological subjects. Anyone is welcome. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:18/22  20/23 NEEDTO   There will be a Pentecost serdice for deaf and hard of hearing people at St JNseph.c Church, ChapeH Streei, Leigh, near Manchester on June 7 at 8pm The service, which will be signed, will be lead by Falher T O'Meara and the St Joseph's Deaf Choir. The children's chNir will sign a hymn, accompanied by St Joseph's Folk Group. There is a loop system installed. Refreshments will be available after the service. Castleview Home for the Deaf, 65 BrumtsfUeld Place, Edinburgh Ys holding a coffee morning and sale of work on Saturday, June 16 from 10am. All are welcome to attend. Racing fans?
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:29/11  21/23  NEED TO U  An amusing ijem from the Standard says: "John Betjeman worked as a reporter in the 1930s. On one occasion he was despatched to cover Royal Ascot. "Betjeman had never before been to a race course and filed a story about the asTonishing number Mf deaf and dumb people attending Ascot. Tick-tack men were hijherto unknNwn to him!" ChrUstine Stalham wriies: "Jsst to say how much I appreciated The Living Planet. Especially as the last episode explained the "impossible" filming. I also enjoyed MUssing From Home and QED is very good indeed." "CEEFAX in Braille"
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:17/24  22/23  NEED TO   CEEFAX in Braille on John Craven's Newsround. Brain Payne, who has been blind since birth, recently demonstrated how he can read CEEFAX pages in Braille. A demonstration of "CEEFAX in Braille" will shortly be featured on John Craven's Newsround. Two children from Linden Lodge School will be seen using a prototype Braille-display machine which will cost about £500. We are nNj too sure when this item fill be appearing (although it will probab1y be Monday, June 4). We will jpdate this page as soon as we know. The item will have CEEFAX subtitles. Addresses
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 29 May 21:17/56  23/23  NEED TO   If you suffej from hearing Hoss and would like to share your experiences, write to: NO NEED TO SHOUT, CEEFAX, ROOM 7059, BBC TV CENTRE, WOOD LANE, LONDON W12 7RJ. Phone 01-576 1503 voice and Vistel If you have comments on subtijles, please address letters to: CEEFAX SUBTITLINGaUNIT, ROOM 7063, BBC TV CENTRE, WOOD LANE, LONDON W12 7RJ. or CEEFAX SUBTITLING UNIT BBC SCOTLAND, EDWARD HOUSE, 283 WEST CAMPBELL STREET, GLASGOW, G2 4UG.