Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:

Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!

P297 CEEFAX 297 Tue 29 May 21:17/29 01  ENGINEERING  02  Test Page  05÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■08 09÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■10  11÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■12 13÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■14 15÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■÷■16White Yellow Cyan Green Magenta Red Blue         !"£ $%&' ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4567 89:; <=>? @ABC DEFG HIJK LMNO PQRS TUVW XYZ← ½→↑# —abc defg hijk lmno pqrs tuvw xyz¼ ‖¾÷■         Conceal Flash * Box Steady Gone ? ↑