This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 5th June 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 215
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P215 CEEFAX 215 Tue 5 Jun 21:25/25 A judge has criticised the Crown prosecutors for bringing murder charges against three RUC men. Lord Justice Gibson said at Belfast Crown Court that the men were absolutely blameless. He said the DPP should have considered the danger to the men before bringing charges on such tenuous evidence. The three RUC men had been charged withthe murder Nf Eugene Toman, whNse car was fired on after it had driven through a check-point. News Index 101/201 Newsreel 119/219