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P254 CEEFAX 254 Tue 5 Jun 21:12/42   1/4            ! "£    DEATH OF A SALESMAN The ational CNnsumer CNuncil is waging a war against unsolicited doorstep insurance selling. Many peoale have Bomplained abNut insurance salesmen thrusting unwanted poliSiec on them. The Council's report on door-to-door salesmen adds, "Once a salesman is invited into the house he ic treated more like a guest than a salesman." More
P254 CEEFAX 254 Tue 5 Jun 21:16/49   2/4            ! "£    DEATH OF A SALESMAN The National Consumer Council's report attacks the methods used by dNor-to- door insurance salesmen. Salesmen often fail to make clear to the Bonsumer that sNme pNliciec cannNj be cashed in early. Salesmen have also persuaded consumers to buy insurance to protect dependents. What theu are buying is usuallu a poor and unsuitable investment. More
P254 CEEFAX 254 Tue 5 Jun 21:16/23   3/4            ! "£    DEATH OF A SALESMAN Door-to-door insurance salesmen often mislead the consumer who is not usually given enough time to compare value for moneu. The Consumer Council recommends that there should be more legislation to proiect the Bonsumer !gainst dNor-to- door salesmen. It also recommends the introduction of a "cooling-off" period during which the customer can reconsider the policy. More
P254 CEEFAX 254 Tue 5 Jun 21:24/30   4/4            ! "£    DEATH OF A SALESMAN The Consumer Council recommends that a body like the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau be set up to regulate the door- to-door selling Nf insurance. If you have any questions or complaints about door-to-door insurance selling contact: National Consumer CNuncil 18 Queen Anne's Gate London SW1 TEL: 01 222 9501 More