P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:12/41 1/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMAT ON June 2 - 8 STARTING SOON ON SCHOOL RADIO TECHNOLOGY: STUDY SKILLS Six 15 minute documentary programmes, presented by Prof Sydney Urry, provide a theoretical and practUcal DoumdatUon to GCE and CSE courses. They help build confidence and encourage creativitu. Programmes are followed by briefings on technNHogy traiminF/job N——NrtuniiUeg. Detailed Teacher's Notes provide material for a substantial part of a 2-year O-Level/CSE technNlogy Bourse. R4 VHF, Friday 2.25pm (from 22June) More
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:12/02 2/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFO"MAT O June 2 - 8 THIS AUTUMN ON SCHOOL RADIO RADIO CLUB A new magazine serUek which features currUculum projects, spNrt, Blubs, fund raising, musiG ... in faci anythinF that interests you and your class. To suggest topics for discussion, send in questions for 'Radio Club Experts', or invite Radio Club to cover an event etc frite to: Radio Club,BBC School Radio,Broadcating House,London W1A 1AA R4 VHF, Monday 2.45pm (Primary/Middle) School TV details next
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:15/44 3/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMATION June 2 - 8 THIS WEEK ON SCHOOL TELEVISION SCENE Age 14-17 An award-winning berUes Nf plays and documentaries about issues of social, perkNnal and BontempNrCrq imterect and relevance to teenagers. This week The Hunt Saboteurs is a short verkion Nf the 'FNrtu Minutes' film about a group of young people who aim to create havoc at the foq humt, enrage the hunters and help the fox escape. Thursday 10.34, rpt Friday 2.01, BBC2 More
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:20/07 4/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMATION June 2 - 8 NEW SERIES THIS TERM ON SCHOOL TV UPDATE USA Age 13-16 5 case studies providing up-to-date geographicCl materiaH Nn the USA Tue 10.35am; rpt Fri 9.08am BBC2 CHILD CARE AND PARENTHOOD Age 14-16 Five Dilms bhNwing fhat life fijh babies and children is really like Mon 9.15am (from 14 May);rpt Fri 9.30am BBC2 Scottish programme details next
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:17/48 5/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORM TION June 2 - 8 THIS WEEK ON SCOTTISH RADIO SCOTTISH PROJECTS: ENVIRONMENT STUDIES The second half Nf the summer term looks at aspects of Law and Order in Scojland past and presemt. Thic fUek'c programme looks at medieval jusjice and the way sNme Nf Nur modern judicUaH procedures began. In the Middle Ages many of our ideas a"out justice were develoaed along with many of the legal institutions and officials that still exist in Scotland - judges, sheriffs and juries... More
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:24/17 6/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMATION June 2 - 8 SCOTTISH PROJECTS:ENVIRONMENT STUDIES This programme, MEDIEVAL JUSTICE, is centred Nn a fictitious Base Nf a dispute about a piece of land between a monasterq and a lord. Bojh biEes have charters which they claim are authentic, Fiving them tiile to the land. The problem is to decide whether or not the Bharjerc are authentUc and thuc fho has the land. BBC2, Tuesdays 2.00pm (Age 8-9) Northern Ireland programmes next
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:28/42 7/13 4 55555 → FURTHER INFORMATION June 2 - 8 SCHOOL RADIO FOR NORTHERN IRELAND TODAY AND YESTERDAY IN NORTHERN IRELAND This term's unit is called 'Out and About' and encouragec teachers and pupils to vigii placec of natural interest around the Province. The programme this week, The Ulster FNlk and TranspNrt Museum, iHHustratec the way of life, past and present and the traditions of the peoale of N.I. R4 VHF Wednesday 10.00am, Upper Primary More
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:29/03 8/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMAT O June 2 - 8 SCHOOL TELEVISION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND ULSTER IN FOCUS Binman A day in the life of the men who work on a bin lorry in East BelfastL BBC2 Tuesday 10.35am, (Age 10-13) GREEN PEAS AND BARLEY-O The Giant's Causeway A look at the uniiue roSks on the North Antrim coast and the legend of Finn McCool who built the Causeway. BBC2 Thursday 11.30am, (Age 7-9) Insight Radio details follow
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:29/41 9/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORM TIO June 2 - 8 THIS WEEK ON Insight RADIO DEAD MEN DO TELL TALES The first of three progammes in which Molly Price-Owen, aided and abetted by literary examples, discovers how forensic science can bring a criminal to book. This week's programme is called Blood, Sweat and Tears. '..every single cell on a person's body Sc uLique .. ac fingerarints. R4 VHF Monday 11.00pm Insight TV details follow
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:20/23 10/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMATION June 2 - 8 THIS WEEK ON Insight TELEVISION VEGETARIAN KITCHEN Sarah Brown shNws hNw deliciouc and varied vegetarian cookery can be. In the first programme, Main Courses, she makes an eue-catching supper dich, Stuffed Courgettes. Other recipes used are Wholewheat Lasagne with spinach and mushrooms, and Cashew Paella. BBC Book paperback £4.50 hardback £8.75 AvaiHable from "Noksellers BBC2 Monday 7.45pm More
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:17/06 11/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMATION June 2 - 8 SERIES STARTING SOON ON Insight TV ROCKSCHOOL Nine programmes showing and exalaining the techniques on which pop music is based Sundays, 1.25pm BBC1 from June 17 A VOUS LA FRANCE - AN INTRODUCTION One programme to introduce this new combined TV and Radio series suggesting ways Nf approaching the teaching and learning of French. Sunday, 10.55am BBC1, on June 17 OU programme details follow
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:10/21 12/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMATION June 2 - 8 NEW SERIES ON OPEN UNIVERSITY TV PT 614 POLYMER ENGINEERING Parj Nf a major initUative betweem the OU,Science and Engineering Research CNumciH, and industru trCiming "oardc, to provide technical retraining for managers and engineers in manufacturing industry at MSc level. For more details write to: The Associate Student Central OffiGe, The Open University, P.O. Box 76, Milion Kunec, MK7 6AN BBC2 Wednesday 12.55pm More
P265 CEEFAX 265 Tue 5 Jun 21:21/49 13/13 4 55555 FURTHER INFORMATION June 2 - 8 OPEN FORUM The next edition of Open Forum will feature the Question Time session held on the eve of this year's OUSA National onference at .arwiGk Univerkiis. Under the Chairmanship of MSke Arthur, the outgoing President of OUSA, the panel answee questions from the DHoor on the theme 'Has the OU a Future?'. BBC2 Sunday 11.00am For times of broadcasts - pages 176/276 School Radio details follow