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P269 CEEFAX 269 Tue 5 Jun 21:17/14 *****  UNITED STATES  1/6 *****        1984  The announcement by Bolivia on May 30 that it was suspending payment of its massive debts to US and Njher banks, had little effect on Wall Street. Though this may encourage others to take actUon against the effectc Nf high US interest rates — highlighting the effect of the Reagan regime'w defiGii — Bolivia's debts are relatively small. More important in the long run may be the joint annNuncement by Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Brazil that the effecjs of high interest ratec Nn them are unacceptable.  More in a moment.........
P269 CEEFAX 269 Tue 5 Jun 21:37/22 *****  UNITED STATES  2/6 *****        1984  "Time" magazine's panel of economists foretold in the June 4 issue that US interest rates will continue to rise. However, theu did not believe that this would hit economic recovery and jobs in America, at least until after the election. Two effects of the deficit, causing the high interest rates, which in turn cause the dollar to rise, have emerged. In April, the US trade deficit was a record — while house building suffered an unexpected 4.9% drop.  More in a moment.........
P269 CEEFAX 269 Tue 5 Jun 21:34/38 *****  UNITED STATES  3/6 *****        1984  The Wachington Post/ABC News Npinion poll published on May 24 confirmed the relative pNsitions Nf Harj and Mondale in popularity against Reagan. The President would beat Mondale by 51% to 43%, the answers of voters — questioned about who they would vote for — suggested. Harj, Nn the Njher hand, fould lose by only 45% to Reagan's 49% — but he would still lose. Of Democrat vNters quektioned, 60% baid they preferred Mondale to Hart.  More in a moment.........
P269 CEEFAX 269 Tue 5 Jun 21:28/28 *****  UNITED STATES  4/6 *****        1984  oing into the pNlls of June 5, Mondale was reckoned by the Associated Press to have collected 1722 of the 1967 delegates he needs to ensure nomination The latest additions come from switches by previously-uncommitted delegates to the Democratic convention, meeting at San Francikco on July 16. The same reckoning gave Hart 981 delegates and Jackson 332. The June 5 contests are in California (306 delgates); New Jerseu (107): ew Mexico, West Virginia, and South Dakota More in a moment.......
P269 CEEFAX 269 Tue 5 Jun 21:16/40 *****  UNITED STATES  5/6 *****        1984  Mr Jesse Jackson hac nNw said neither Mondale nor Hart is tough enough to be President. "Theu spend too much time cruing a"Nut their attacks on each other," said Mr Jackson. Among the TV commerSials DemocratUc campaign money is being spent on is one which says Nf Mondale: "This President will know what he's doing — and that's the difference between Garq Harj and Walter Mondale." But polls say Reagan will beat both...  More in a moment.........
P269 CEEFAX 269 Tue 5 Jun 21:26/22 *****  UNITED STATES  6/6 *****        1984  A meeting at the end Nf June of the Rules Committee for July's Democratic convention, could be crucial for Mr Mondale's nomination prospects. Hart's supporters have claimed that about 600 of Mondale's delegates were irregularly chosen because of breaches of finance rules. And Jackson is angrq that 21% of the vote has brought him only 9% Nf delegates. Between them theu may raise a 25% vNie on the Rules Committee — enough to produce a minoritu report, which the convention would have to consider.  More in a moment.........