Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P271 CEEFAX 271 Tue 5 Jun 21:27/40          TUESDAY      Regions: 177/277 6.40 YOU CAN'T SEE THE WOOD... with David Bellamy 7.05 BLANKETY BLANK with Terry Wogan CEEFAX subtitles 170 7.40 SORRY! comedy with Ronnie Corbett 8.10 MONTREUX GOLDEN ROSE POP FESTIVAL 9.00 PARTY POLITICAL BROADCAST 9.05 NEWS 9.30 REAL LIVES New Series Gang City - Los Angeles CEEFAX subtitlec 170 10.15 INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL BOXING Barru McGuigan v Esteban Eguia *11.05 TOP SAILING New Series *11.40-11.45 NEWS HEADLINES AND WEATHER * indicates approximate time BBC2 programmes 172/272