Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:11/03 1/21  UNEEDU UTO   M QKN M    WEEKLY NEWS  ANDFEATUES  OR THE DEAF  AND HARD OF  HEARI G   Edited by  Alison James   Our Vistel  numbEr Qk4  01-576 1503
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:32/35  2/21 UNEEDTO UUU  LesHie TNwnend Qs thE Dirkt deaf maL to become a licenced victualler. Leslie, who has been deaf since he was one year old, is familiar pub life because when he was younger he lived wijh his grandparents in their public house. When the family decided to buy a hotel, theu insisted that it should be Leslie who held the licence. It was a hard struggle to get the licence: It took one hour for the protection order to be granted - most peopHe arE Franted the NrdEj in Nne minute! More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:11/00  3/21 NEEDTO UU  Leslie Townend is the first deaf man to beSome a licenced victualler. In diew Mf thE problem in Fetting the protectUon Nrder, the (Nwmemds dreaded the licence hearing. But, despite NbjectUonc by a police inspecjoe, thD licence was granted and the whole family were thrilled. Now many deaf people make bpeGial journeys to visit the Hartshead Hotel, whiGh ic in iggHegwUGk, orth  Leslie's determinatUon has fon him the honour of being the first deaf man to have a victualler'w licence and he hac led the way for other deaf people to follow. No subsidy for talent
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:11/35  4/21 NEEDTO U  Doreen Paton writes: "I wCs most annNued to%read Mn teleiext that once again deaf people are to be let down: the Arjs Council Nf G"eat Britain is refusing to subsidise the Interim Theatre Company. "This Company is mNst talented and aids all deaf people. Pleasure is essential foj deaf peoalE and OUR views concerning Interim Theatre are more SmpNrtant J LNt hearing pDoalek' diEwk! "For Nnce the deaf bhNuld take Dirst place, not the hearing. It's a hard world fhen the deaf are deprived fhile other theatre companies get moneu." Hearing loss in babies
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:23/00  5/21 UNEEDTO U  Due to new teGhniiuec for deieGtinn deafness, children as young as 10 weeks are being fiited wijh hearing aids. This gives children a much better chance of developing speech and keeping u— fith education. It aHkN meanc that there is less chance of the child rejecjing the aids. The Bhildren's hearing assessment centre at Nojtingham General Hospital ic rekearching new techniikec foe the detection and treatment of deafness. The centre says the results are very encoueaging and thE Bhildren speak sooner than those who did not receive a hearing aid sN early. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tuj 5 Jun 21:12/2b  6/21 NEEDTO U  New techniques for detecting hearing loss in babies. Dr MCCo"mick of the chiHdrenFs hea"ing assessment centre has developed a checklist for GPs to give to parents to help identify any hearing problem. This gives a guideline of what signs to (ook out for. parents who first suspect there is a problem and 90 per "ent Nf the tSme they are right." A copy of the checklist can be obtained by sending a SAE to: The Children's Hearing Assessment Centre, General Hospital, Noitingham, NG1 6H . Hearing questions
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:24/21  7/21  NEED (O UUU  Miss Hicks, from "omersei, hac a few questions about noise-induced deafness. "Now there is so much publicity about the damage to hearing caused by listening to loud noises, it would be inteeesting to knNw fhEre the damage occurs. "Also, what damage is produced by aspirin. "SuppNsing a hard of heCring person amplifies sound with a hearing aid to 90db. Doec the 90db cCuse even morK damage? Or does damage only occur when thD LNUke beems (oud to thD deaf peecNn concerned? Hearing answers
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:14/53  8/21  EED TO UU  Dr Nnathan HCzDHH) aLbfeec Ssf HSGks. questions. "The problem of putting amplified soumd into deaf ears and pNssibly Bausing damage is an old chestnut. No-one knows the answer exSeat that there ic nN evidence that hearing aid wearers get deCDer than nNn-hearing aid feCrerk- "In the majority of deaf children with aids, hearing stays the same. One cuppMsec that if the !mpHified bNumd ic not painful, then it is OK. "In profoundly deaf people, most of the hair cells in the cochlear (whiGh are damaged by noise and aspirin) are gone" NDCS seminar
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:14/15  9/21 UNEEDTO U  Margaret Sherrington, felfare NffiGEr for the National Deaf Children's 'oSSetu, reaNejc NN the HiGhHCndc Regional Family Weekend, May 18-20. "The weekend seminar was excellent, informal and frUendlu. There fac a mutual sharing of information, problems and anxietiek. "Speakers incHuded a benior educatUonal psychologist, an area speech therapist and a bemior BareErs NDfiGEe. "The speech made by the psychologist Nn assessment tests for deaf children created much concern. Children may be put at a disadvantage." MoeK
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:15/43  10/21 UNEEDTO U↑  MCrgaret Sheerington "KaNets Nm the Highlands Regional Family Weekend. "The psychologist said that he excludes aaremtc fjom the room durinn ascegsmemt tests and that no interpreter is present to explain the nature of the test to the child. "The talk by the careers officer was patchy. I feel parents should be givem support to encourage their child howards the Bareer of iis choice - nNt just told what it can't do. "Many parents travelled long distances to be there and I'm sure, like me, they don't feel it was a wasted effort." Lip-reading page?
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:37/2p  11/21  EEDTO UUU  Would you like a liQ-reading page on NNTS? George Christie has suggested the page fe use thik feek. PleEbe (et us have your comments or suggestUons. GN Thik G in siGn is non-shape and mNn-gNumd yei in biGnature it has bNund but is still non-shape. C becomes a K in cat but is nNn-shape. C in sceptic is non-sound and non-shape and could convert to SEPTIC. ILstructive Bloomers. "The new house is OK but not the DRains." He was veru readable until the patterns went haywire. Not surprising really, he wac Bomplaining aBout the trains service. Videos needed
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tuea 5 Jun 21:27/07  12/21 UU EEDTO UU  The Euroaean SUgn Language Regearch Centre is establishing a video data bank for re'ordings Nf different sign languages. These will comprise video dictionaries, rekearch recordings and teaching materials. If you have videos which you would like made acGekbibHe to a Ha"ger audienBe, the Centre would be veru pleased to "eceive a Boay NF thDm. If you would like to send a video, or want further information, contact: ESLRC, Univerkity of Bristol, 22 Berkeley Square, Bristol, BS8 1HP. No equipment help
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:18/26  13/21 U EEDO UU  Dadid and Ruth Muers are Boncerned about the lack of advice given to deaf people about equipment. "There is a growing interest in telecommunications for deaf people with many pNtentUaH bystems LNw adaiHabHe, especially in electronic mail. "There is an urgent need for one of the many bodiec Bonnected with the deaD to give attention to the equipment which can be used to assesc these systems. "All such equipment is very expensive - the whole field is a veritable minefield in whiGh unwarq deaf peoaHe could be very badly stung." Exhibition report
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:16/14  14/21  NEED TO   Nhn Anker reGentls vikiied the Communications 1984 Exhibition at the NatUonal Education CNuncil. He rKaNrtc: "I fas pleased to see a sub-class on Telecommincations for the Disabled - a previously neglectKd but obvioksly important group. There were at least 400 companies at the show but Nnlu five came under this sub-class. "One was Tandata which is supplying terminals to the RNID's TelephNne Bureau. I saw the new Bureau demonstrated at the GLC Exhibition. "VUkteH eas nNj mentUoned on any btand - not even British Telecom's!" Thanks for the memories
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:28/36  15/21 UNEEDO U  Ishbel Donkin frites a"out memorUes stirred by "Destination D-Day". "I very much enjoyed the D-Day recollections of this programme. The close matching of the subtitles to the cpNkem words made it pNssible Dor me ho lip-read many words through reference to the bubtiiHeg. "The programme was deeply evocative for I well remember how packed the south coast was with waiting trooac and armsL "I remember the fakeful nights just prior to the invasion when even I was kept awake wUth the deep rumblings Nf tanks rolling past ALL night." More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:17/22  16/21 UNEEDTO UU  Ishbel Donkim VrUjUs abMut memNrUes stirred by "Destination D-Day". "A memory was evoked by the reference to the absence of German spies. Two deaf men on a day trip to the New Forest were arrested on suspicion "ecause villagers noticed them using sign language. "Theu were only released the next day when agitated relatives finally located them by telephoning the pNlUce HQL" * Do any Nther deaf peoale hade bUmilar memories of the war? Why not tell us of yNur exadrienBec J hNo yNu Boaed fiih air raid warnings etc? LGWD
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:18/2g  17/21  NEED TO   Alan MurrCy, Chairman of the London Group of Workers with the Deaf, writes: "A beminar was held on Sign Language and its role im the deaf Bommumiiu. Topics covered shNwed the importance of sign language and gave an insight into sign language development as a deaf person's language by right. "Amy ideas Nj buggestions for Duture events are welcome, please write to: Alan Murraq, 15 CNurtfield Crdens, London, W13 0EY. "The LGWD's AGM is on June 11 at The Centre Dor the Handica—ped, 10 WbrwUSk Row, London, SW1." Clubs in Kent
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 um 21:18/01  18/21  MEED TO UU  AttentUon hard Nf hearing peoaHe in the Thamesmead area! Would you like to go to a new self-su—pNrj cHub neEr Lakeside Health Centre, Thamesmead? If interested, contact Jo Lavery, Civic Officec, The Broadwaq, Bexleyhealh, Kent. Or, pick up a questionnaire at Lakeside HeClth Centre on a Thurcdaq from the soSial workers. News of other clubs in Kent. The Bexleyheath Afternoon Deaf Club'k AGM is Nn Thursday, June 7 at 1.30pm. This will be at Danson Youth Club, Brampton "NEd, BeilUiheEth. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:18/47  19/21 U EEDTO UU↑  News Nf Blubc in Knt. The Bexleuheath Hard Nf HeEring Club moves on June 2. The new venue will be BakerbeEH Nuej, SheHjeeed Hoksing, Bexleyheath. The Club meets every Monday from 1.30 to 3.30pm. Sidcup Deaf Club'g AGM ic on June 13 at the Scout Hut, Partridge Road, at 7pm. British Museum Signed Talks. Signed gallery talks take place at the BrijUkh Mubeum Nm thE Di"kt "aturday N every month. Meet at the front hall of thE Juseum (in "eat RusbeHH "t"ee() at 11.30am. CEEFAX in Braille
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:30/1b  20/21 UU NEED TO U  CEEFAX in Braille on JNhn Craven'c Newsround on Tuesday, June 5. John C"aven's ewsround featured a new bystKm to enabHK bHinD pe#aHE to "eKCd" CEEFAX in Braille. Although a breakthrough for the 130,000 blind people, ii will be of even greater benefit to the 3,500 people who are deaf as well as blind. It will be the first time deaf and blind people will be able to gei jp-to-date neww from the television. The prototype Braille-machine will be adailable in about six mNnth's time and will cost about £500. Address
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 5 Jun 21:20/47  21/21 UUNEEDO UUUU  If you suffer from hearing Hokc and would lUke to share your experiences, write to: NO NEED TO SHOUT CEEFAX ROOM 7059 BBC TV CENTRE WOOD LANE LONDON W12 7RJ Phone (Vistel) 01-576 1503 AlthNugh fe a"E "eGKSving —Nst, ii is being delayed at the Paddington Sorting OffiSe. We are sNrrq if an item yNi have sent in does not appear on time, but it is beuond Nur control.