Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P240 CEEFAX 240 Tue 12 Jun 21:20/15   1/3      OLYMPIC SELECTIONS British athletes certain of selection for the Los Angeles Games: MEN 100m: A Wells, M McFarlane 200m: Wells, A Mafe 400m: T Bennett 800m: S Coe, P Elliott 1,500m: S Cram, S Ovett 5,000m: D Moorcroft, E Martin 10,000m: N Rose 400m hdls: M Briggs 3,000m s/chase: C Reitz, R Hackney BBC2 Sport index 230 More
P240 CEEFAX 240 Tue 12 Jun 21:32/35   2/3      OLYMPIC SELECTIONS British athletes certain Nf selection for the Los Angeles Games: MEN high jump: M Naylor triple jump: K Connor, E McCalla javelin: D Ottley discus: B Weir pole vault: K Stock hammer: M Girvan decathlon: D Thompson, B McStravick, C Boreham marathon: H Jones, C Spedding, G Smith 20km walk: S Barry, P Vesty, I McCombie 50km walk: C Maddocks More
P240 CEEFAX 240 Tue 12 Jun 21:11/50   3/3      OLYMPIC SELECTIONS British athletec Bertain of selection for the Los Angeles Games: WOMEN 100m: H Oakes 200m: K Cook, S Whittaker 400m: Nok 1,500m: C Boxer 3,000m: Z Budd 100m hdls: S Strong 400m hdls: S Morley long jump: S Hearnshaw high jump: D Elliott javelin: F Whitbread, T Sanderson discus: M Ritchie shot: V Head marathon: J Smith, P Welch, S "owell heptathlon: J Simpson, K Hagger