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P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:21/24  1/13        programmes on BBC tv   and radio this week SUNDAY BBC2: 8.15pm THE NATURAL WORLD Long Point Once a shooting reserve, Long Point on the north shore of Lake Eyrie is now a wildlife preserve, home for rails, racoons, toads and turjles, and a stopover place for migrating wiHdfowl. RADIO 4: 4.3Opm THE LIVI G WORLD The Ichkeul National Park in Tunisia, fhich playc a vital role for European birds. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:22/07  2/13   U     programmes on BBC tv   and radio this week TUESDAY BBC1: 5.1Opm WILDTRACK Su Ingle watches black grouse in Teesdale and in the studio a family of young great tijs in a nest bNx ic shown BBC1: 6.4Opm YOU CAN'T SEE THE WOOD Trees in Towns David Bellamy looks at the role of trees in parks and towns. RADIO 4: 11.33am WILDLIFE More questions from listeners. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:38/11  3/13   U     programmes on BBC tv   and radio this week TUESDAY RADIO 4: 8.3Opm THE LIVING WORLD News about the Ichkeul National Park in Tunisia, which plays a vital role in bird conservation in Europe. WEDNESDAY RADIO 4: 11.48am JUST LIKE YOU AND ME Johnny Morris's animal anecdotes. THURSDAY BBC2: 8.3Opm NATURE WildHife and environmental news presented by Tony Soper. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:31/30  4/13  P UU     programmes on BBC tv   and radio this week FRIDAY 8 RADIO 4: 11.48am NATURAL SELECTION Denis Owen searches for the truth behind some of our more obscure proverbs. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:11/54  5/13   U     programmes on BBC tv   and radio this week Some of Britain's rarest orchids are to be Fuarded round the clock again this year to prevent them from being dug up by misguided gardening enthusiasts. Nature conservation trusts are organising the wardening, which has been funded by the Nature Conservancy Council, WNrld Wildlife Fund and Esmee Fairburn Charitable Trust. Monkey, military and early spider Nrchid are among the speSiek being protected. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:32/22  6/13        programmes on BBC tv   and radio this week The FNrestry CNmmiksion'w new reaNrj "Broadleaves in Britain: A Consultative Paper" was published on 6 June. This outlines proposals for a national policu on the management Nf broadleaved woodlands. The Government's refusal to ban the use of herbicides containing the dioxin-based chemical 245-T has been criticised in a report written by the agriSultural workers' branch of the Transport and General Workers' Union. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:24/27  7/13   U   programmes on BBC tv   and radio this week The Greater London Council has shelved a plan to release thNusands Nf uernsey butterflies on Hampstead Heath This was due to take place on June 21 but was cancelled after protests by natural history groups. The butterflies are now to be given to some areas of the country where species are becoming scarce. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:33/20   8/13  U   L Newc from the BBC Natural History Unit  WILDTRACK'S GOOD DEED FOR THE WEEK Numbers of barn owls have dropped dramatUSally over the last fiftu yeark due to a decrease in nesting sites. So why don't you ask a farmer if you can put up an owl nesting box in one of his barns? Details of how to make one can be obtained from the Brijich Barn .wl Appeal, World Wildlife Fund, Panda House, 11-13 Ockford RNad, oEalming, Surreu (enclose an sae). More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:48/25   9/13  U    News from the BBC Natural History Unit  The world's rarest snake - feared to be extinct bince the last sighting in 1980 - has been seen again on the The non-poikonouc couresse is a relative of the British grass snake and is found on Nnly one island in the group of islands where it feeds on small lizards or lizard eggs. The World Wildlife Fund is providing money to establish a nature reserve on the island to proiect the populatUon, estimated at between 5O and 1OO snakes. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:14/27   10/13        COUNTRY DIARY  Watch out for damselflies, which are starting to emerge nNw. Butterwort is flowering in wet acidic parts of northern England. Young roe deer fawns are often killed by hay mowers as theu lie hidden in long grass, but this year's late hay croa in the eo FNrest hac meCnt A greater chance of survival for them. Grass snakes are now looking for farm damp, quiet places to burrow and lay their eggs. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:12/06   11/13        COUNTRY DIARY Grass snakes are quite harmless, so don't be alarmed if a female chooses your compost heap to nest in. Late migrants are still arriving. Visitors to Kent include purple and night heron and honeu buzzard Lear Stodmarsh. Golden oriole, red-backed shrike and Icterine warbler have been spNtted at Sandwich Bay, three spoonbills near Mabgate and a march warbHer at FNrenesc Bairds's and broad-billed sandpiper have been seen on Anglesey. More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 Jun 21:22/25   12/13        COUNTRY DIARY A thrush nightingale has been repNrted in Cambridgeshire. A needle-tailed swift is still present in south Shetland and a red-backed shrike has been seen on the Scillies. There are continuing reports of blue tijs and pied flycatchers deserting their nests and broods because of the rCin aLd Bold feathee. Chiff chaff and turjle dove numberc are noticeably lower this year, probably because the birds have been affected "y the drought in Africa.  More
P262 CEEFAX 262 Tue 12 JuN 21:28/14   13/13  U      COUNTRY DIARY  Information compiled this week with help from Michael Clark, NCC, ITE, More