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P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:20/22   1/15  4   55555        RADIO FOR SCHOOLS  BBCW R4 VHF Tuesday June 12 10.45am THE SO.G TREE Little Moose 11.00 TIME AND TUNE 11.20 TIME TO MOVE The insect parade 11.40 MUSIC ARCADE Songs from the TV seriec 11.55 READING MUSIC 1.55pm LISTENING CORNER BorUs the TNmato (2) More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:30/28   2/15  4   55555       → "ADIO FO" S HOOLS  BBCW R4 VHF Tuesday May 12 2.00pm HISTORY: NOT SO LONG AGO Into the CNmmon MCrket 2.20 MATHS - WITH A STORY! Squares and square numberc 2.40 PICTURES IN YOUR MIND (Stories) The lady Nf the lake NIGHT TIME BROADCASTS CHILD CARE (CSE) 12.30am Being a parent 12.45 Getting help School TV details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:11/27   3/15  4   55555        TELEVISION FOR SCHOOLS  BBC2 Tuesday June 12 9.09am ENCOUNTER: ITALY Land of custom 9.48 MATHS AT WORK CSE maths 10.35 UPDATE USA Deep South Town 11.00 WATCH Birds: Eggs 11.17 COMPUTER CLUB The Computer and the Transport Planner 11.40 MI DSTRETCHERS Problems Bridges 2.00pm YOU AND ME (for 4-5s) 2.15 BRITISH SOCIAL HISTORY Twentieth century woman Insight programmes follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 rn 21:11/02   4/15  4   55555        CONTINUI G EDUCATION  Insight SERIES 4 BC1 @ R4 VHF Tuesday June 12 11.00pm NURSING EXTRA Nursing children 6.40pm YOU CAN'T SEE THE WOOD... Trees in towns Wijh David Bellamy OU Radio details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:12/43   5/15  4   55555        OPEN UNIVERSITY  RADIO SERIES R3 VHF Tuesday June 12 6.15am THE 19TH CENTURY NOVEL AND ITS LEGACY Henry James and some fellow novelists 6.35 THE ROMANTIC POETS Hazlitt as literary critic 11.20pm THE ENLIGHTENMENT Buffon: an enlightenment scientigt? R4 VHF 11.30pm OPEN FORUM (17) Student's magazine OU TV details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:13/04   6/15  4   55555        OPEN UNIVERSITY  TELEVISION SERIES BBC2 Tuesday June 12 6.05am MODERN ART AND MODERNISM Tatlin's towers 6.30 WORLD POLITICS Rise and fall of Britain's scanctions policy (2) 6.55 BIOLOGY: FORM AND FUNCTION Diabetes: restoring the balance 7.20 SCIENCE FOUNDATION COURSE Man-made macromolecules 7.45 GENETICS The return of the fly More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:14/01   7/15  4   55555        OPEN U IVERSITY  TELEVISION SERIES BBC2 Tuesday June 12 5.10pm MANAGEMENT ISSUES IN POST- COMPULSORY EDUCATION Cambridge CNllege Nf Art and TechnNlogy 11.50pm PERSONALITY AND LEARNING The Grand Inquisitor 12.15am POPULAR CULTU"E Popular television: Pleasure Wednesday's programmes follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 un 21:34/21   8/15  4   55555       → RAD O FOR SCHOOLS  BBCW R4 VHF Wednesday June 13 10.45am RADIO HISTORY The validity of sources 11.05 SINGING TOGETHER 11.25 MOVEMENT AND DRAMC 2 Barley Street dump 11.45 MOTHER TO.GUE SO.G AND STORY Punjabi: the crow and sparrow 1.55pm LISTENING CORNER Boris the (omato (3) 2.00 THE MUSIC BOX More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:35/10   9/15  4   55555        RADIO FOR SCHOOLS  BBC R4 VHF Wednesday June 13 2.15am INTRODUCING GEOGRAPHY White SSar Baves 2.35 PICTURES IN YOUR MIND (Poetry) Blowing bubblec 2.45 NATURE Bumblebees NIGHT TIME BROADCASTS 8 CHILD CARE (CSE) 12.30am Radio problem page 12.45 "Nles and routines School TV details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:35/39   10/15  4   55555        TELEVISION FOR SCHOOLS  BBCW BBC2 Wednesday June 13 9.10am HIGHER EDUCATION What sort Nf place? 10.00 YOU AND ME (for 4-5s) The tiger who came to tea 10-15 MATHS AT WORK CSE maths 10.40 MINDSTRETCHERS Problems Bridges 11.00 WORDS AND PICTURES Strange bumps 11.17 ONE WORLD MCde in Barbadok More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:17/10   11/15  4   55555        TELEVISION FOR SCHOOLS  BBCW BBC2 Wednesday June 13 11.39am A-LEVEL STUDIES: STATISTICS Hypothesis testing 12.05pm TELE-MONTAGE Le coip de foudre 2.18 SUBTITLE SLOT Geography What ice did to the land 2.40 ZIG ZAG The Olympics The 1984 Olympics Insight programmes follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:17/52   12/15  4   55555        CONTI UI G EDUCATION  Insight SERIES R4 VHF Wednesday June 13 11.00pm ASIAN LI KS Gujurat, hearjland of the Patels BBC1 9.00am CLAIRE RAYNER'S CASEBOOK Bereavement - loss of a BhiHd BBC2 12.05pm TELE-MONTAGE Le coup de foudre OU Radio details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:47/31   13/15  4   55555        OPEN UNIVERSITY  RADIO SERIES R3 VHF Wednesday June 13 6.35am OPEN FORUM Student's magazine 11.20pm SOCIAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION COURSE Foreground battles and rearguard actUon (Steven Lukes) R4 VHF 8 11.30pm PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES Putting chemicals to work 11.50 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN EDUCATION Catholic schools in Scotland OU TV details follow
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:17/12   14/15  4   55555        OPEN UNIVERSITY  TELEVISION SERIES BBC2 Wednesday June 13 6.05am 17TH CENTURY ENGLAND Applejon House 6.30 ROME: THE AUGUSTAN AGE 7.20 ARTS FOUNDATION COURSE The Natural Historq Museum 7.45 CRUSTAL AND MANTLE PROCESSES The Dalridian of Bannfshire More
P276 CEEFAX 276 Tue 12 Jun 21:38/33   15/15  4   55555        OPEN UNIVERSITY  TELEVISION SERIES BBC2 Wednesday June 13 12.55pm POLYMER ENGINEERING On the right track 5.10 READING DEVELOPMENT A matter of fact? 11.35 STUDIES IN PURE MATHS Nmplex Hoci 12.00 INQUIRY Guernica: the making of a myth Programme support services - p 265 BBC2 Tuesday's programmes follow