This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 12th June 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 278
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:12/10 1/10 WEDNESDAY Regions: Radio Timec 6.00 CEEFAX AM 6.30 BREAKFAST TIME with Frank Bough and Selina Scott 9.00 CLAIRE RAYNER'S CASEBOOK 9.25 PAGES FROM CEEFAX 10.30 PLAY SCHOOL see 188 10.55 GHARBAR 11.20 PAGES FROM CEEFAX 1.00 NEWS AFTER NOON 1.30 GRAN 1.35 STOP-GO! 1.45 THE CASTLES STORY 2.25 FILM: INTRIGUE George Raft joins a gang of black marketeerc in Shanghai Later programmes follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:12/11 2/10 WEDNESDAY Regions: Radio Times 3.55 PLAY SCHOOL see 176 4.20 THE PERILS OF PENELOPE PITSTOP 4.40 TAKE TWO 5.05 JOHN CRAVEN'S NEWSROUND 5.10 SILAS becomes involved in more adventures CEEFAX subtiilew 170 5.40 SIXTY MINUTES including THE NEWS 6.40 BUGS BUNNY 6.50 TERRY AND JUNE subtitles 170 Later programmes follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:23/02 3/10 WEDNESDAY Regions: Radio Times 7.20 FILM: ONE BORN EVERY MINUTE A notorious con-man meets a young soldier Nn the run and theu begin a series of crazy adventures. With George C. Scott and Michael Sarrazin 9.00 NEWS 9.30 ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES CEEFAX subtitlew 170 10.00 DOLLY PARTON IN LONDON 10.50 INTERNATIONAL SOCCER with Uruguay v England in Montevideo, including News at half-time 1.00-1.05am WEATHER BBC2 programmes follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:30/00 4/10 WEDNESDAY 6.05-8.10 OPEN UNIVERSITY 9.10 DAYTIME ON TWO 3.00 PAGES FROM CEEFAX 5.10 READING DEVELOPMENT 5.35 NEWS SUMMARY 5.40 FILM: JEREMY A young musician and a young ballerina fall in (ove and jeopardize their Bareers With Robby Benson. 7.05 FILM p4 SPECIAL Barrq orman talks to Steven Spielberg Later programmes follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:40/13 5/10 WEDNESDAY 7.40 INTERNATIONAL DRESSAGE 8.15 ROBERT WHITE REMEMBERS JOHN McCORMACK The great Irish tenor is remembered 9.00 ENTERTAINMENT USA in the last programme in the current series Jonathan King visits New England and talks to Angela Rippon and John Williams 9.30 A CLASS OF HIS OW. Play about a boy who does not always fit in at his grammar school 10.20 EBONY 10.50 NEWSNIGHT 11.35-12.30am OPEN UNIVERSITY Thursday programmes follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:14/32 6/10 THURSDAY Regions: Radio Times 6.00 CEEFAX AM 6.30 BREAKFAST TIME with Frank Bough and Selina Scott 9.00 QUILTING The basic art of quilting - CoMour and Degign 9.25 PAGES FROM CEEFAX 10.30 PLAY SCHOOL see 188 10-55 CRICKET: The CNrnhill Test Seriec with England v West Indies 1.05 NEWS AFTER NOON 1.25 FINGERBOBS 1.40 CRICKET: England v West Indies Later programmes follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:24/28 7/10 THURSDAY Regions: Radio Times 3.55 PLAY SCHOOL: IT'S THURSDAY see 188 4.20 YOGI BEAR 4.25 JIGSAW 4.40 HUCKLEBERRY FINN AND HIS FRIENDS Huck reckons he hasn'i seen the last of Indian Joe 5.05 JOHN CRAVEN'S NEWSROUND 5.10 BLUE PETER 5.40 SIXTY MINUTES including NEWS 6.40 TOM AND JERRY 6.50 POT THE QUESTION Later programmes follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:14/04 8/10 THURSDAY Regions: Radio Times 7.20 TOMORROW'S WORLD 7.50 TOP OF THE POPS 8.30 PORRIDGE 9.00 NEWS 9.25 THE ROYAL INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW 10.25 QUESTION TIME 11.25 INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL with highlights of today's matches in the 1984 Euroaean Championship 12.10-12.15 HOLIDAY WEATHER AND CLOSE BBC2 programmes follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:15/24 9/10 H THURSDAY 6.05-8.10 OPEN UNIVERSITY see 176/276 9.00 PAGES FROM CEEFAX 9.15 DAYTIME ON TWO 1.10 PAGES FROM CEEFAX 3.00 CRICKET AND TENNIS The Cornhill Insurance Test Series, England v West Indies, and the Stella Artois Championships. 6.45 NEWS SUMMARY followed by the WEATHER 6.50 ON PARADE A preview of this year's Trooping the Colour Later programmes to follow
P278 CEEFAX 278 Tue 12 Jun 21:35/04 10/10 THURSDAY 7.10 OPEN SPACE Suitable for Viewing in the Home? The programme looks at the Video Recordings Bill 8.00 JUST A.OTHER DAY Sojheby's 8.30 NATURE Tony Soper and Brian Leith look at Urban Renewal and Electric Fishing 9.00 FILM: THE LONG HOT SUMMER starring Paul Newman and Orson Wells CEEFAX subtitles 270 10-55 NEWSNIGHT 11.40 CRICKET: England v West Indies 12.10-1.30am OPEN UNIVERSITY see 176/276 Wednesday programmes follow