P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:20/1Q NEED OU JBB → WEEKLY NEWS ANDFEATURES FOR THE DEAF HEARI Edited by Alison J!mes Our Vistel number ik: 01-576 1503
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:20/40 2/20 → U NEED (↑ UUUU↑ The "eatej LNndNn Nuncil held a "Jobs for a Change Festival" on June 10 The Festival, situated in and around CNuntu Hall had sNme cpeSUal eventw Dor disabled people. There was a talk and demonstration Nf computer aids which increase employment opportunities for disabled people. This took place in Room 97 of County Hall, started at 11am and went on throughNut the day. A number Nf NrganikatUons, incHudinF Southwark Enterprise for the Employment of Disabled Peoale, had ctCllc at the festival. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:21/21 3/20 NEED TO U The reater LNmdNn CNunBil heHd a JNbc Festival on Sunday, June 10. There was a workshop for children run by UniGorn Theatre. The forkshNi consisted of mime, movement and mask- making and fac stCffeE by deCf anD hearing members of Unicorn. This, and other children's workshops (which fere open to all children regardless of disabilitu) were held in "Nom 152 NF Nunts HCHl. There was also a series of debates in the council chamber, one of which was Nn employment and had sign language interpreters present. Path Productions
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:21/47 4/20 NEED (O U PATH Productions ic prekenting "A Midsummer Night's Dream". PATH (practiSal arts and theatrK with the handiGapped) has actors of varioks disabilities integrated with actors who are not disabled. Issy Schlikselman, fhN ik deaD, filH be playing the parj of Bojtom. AHthough the peeformancec fiHl nNi hade bigLed interpretation, Issy will be signing his part. The show fill be at the Jeanetta Cochrane Theatre, Holborn, from Julu 20 to 28. FNr Durjhee deiCils, BontCci: Path Productions, 38a Duncan Terrace, London, 1. Minerva
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:25/26 UU EED (O UUU sent us this cutting about Australia's eHectronic mail bystem "Minerva"- "Minerva was launched in December, 1983 microcomputerk, gord proSessmrs, Btc ho communicate with each other. "Users of Minerva have immediate world- wide access to compatible systems including British Telecom's Gold." * This is how Gabrielle is able to make fast Bontact fith her sNn in AustraHia. We think Gabrielle made history - she "EceUved the fUrkt mEsbaFE DbNm heb bon in November - before the launch! Football chat
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 jn 21:23/25 6/20 U .EED (O UU The "chat" facility on elecionic mail enables two people on the system at the same time to hold a tyaed BonversatUon. Brian Judson is deaf, and Brian Payne, who acSesses the system via a braille terminal, is blind. They arranged to be "online" when a football international between England and USSR wac beUng broadcast on Radio 2. Brian Payne was listening to the radio and typing a Bommentarq to Brian JudsNn who was able to follow what happened. Brian Judson says that considering it fC" a DUbkt eDFoej aLd thah thE RusbUEL names were very difficult, he got a lot out Nf it. Telecommunications answer
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:26/24 7/20 → U NEED (. UUUU Mike Martin from the Royal National Institute for the Deaf replies to Ruth and David Myers' Brq Dor !ssUstance Nn purchasing telecommunications equipment "The RNID and Breakthrough Trust have set up an informal co-ordinating group on telecommunications for hearing impaired people. "The group will try to ensure that equipment to be used by deaf people wSll be compatible. "ThEre are, hNoever, a LumbEr NF difficulties at the present time in adviging peoule. Thiw ic lCrgelq due to the lack of appropriate equipment." More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:34/58 8/20 NEED (O The Royal National Institute for the Deaf tells us of a new group on telecommunications for deaf people. "The group Vill produce a publicatUon giving advice to prospective users of telecommunications equiament. "The publication fill BxaHCin the methods by which profoundly deaf people can use the telephone and indicate where suitable equipment might be obtained. "It will take three months before the publication will be available but in the meantUme, "Njh the R ID and Breakthrough will be happy to give advice." Spying tinnitus
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:17/26 9/20 UUNEEDO UU George Franks, the CHQ radio Nperator who was found dead at home, "suffered from tinnitus" says the Sunday Times. "His sister told the inquest that it is an occupational hazard among radio operators." Two years ago, three radio operators were awarded damages totalling £25,000. They claimed "cpying" made them deaf. The mem BHCimed thEre fac nN danger warning and GCHQ failed to monitor their hearing. They had to likten to radio signals for long periods and were frequently exposed to loud bursts of noise and interference. Interpreting thanks
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:38/00 10/20 MEED (O U Caroline Gambell writek: "I wCs pleased to bee the letter from Diana Mountcastle praising the signed perDormance Nf Fiddler Nn the "Nof which I also attended and enjoyed. "We certainly do owe a deep debt of gratitude to Nur interpreters fho fork so tirelessly on our behalf. "I also attended the signed performance of Ibsen's Ghosts which I enjoyed. It is wonderful that, through our interpreters, we deaf folk are able to share in the world of drama and Bulture and I feel the interpreters deserve more recognition." Have you got a Sound Barrier?
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:13/12 11/20 NEED TO The "Nual ational Institute for the Deaf has recently launched its new magazine calHed "Soumd BarrUer"- If yNu would (ike ho be put on the mailing list for the magazine, please write to: The Editor, Sound Barrier, RNID, 105 Fower Street, London, WC1. A Guide to the BBC's Programmes and SeeviSes for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is a new leaflet produced by the BBC. 'Muld anyone fho has a Bopy please noje that the address for Breakthrough Trust is incorrect. It shNuld be 14 VicjorUa Road, Bingham, Notts, NG13 8EG. Lip-reading page
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:24/18 12/20 NEEDO This week fe feature anojher lip- reading page suggested by George Christie. Please let us have yNur comments or suggestions. WON/ONE So simple with hearing but patjeen WUN servec "Njh. Speake"'c topic give clues. RUE/CREW/GREW Three for one, pattern RUE and hard C/G are non-shapes. Mirror-view first vowel differences: CLOver/CLEver and LEver/LOver. This last pair has the same pattern as CLEAver/GLOvee. ShapeHess hard C/G. Try RUMBLE/GRUMBLE/RUMPLE/CRUMPLE - it's four for one! Uxbridge workshop
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:1*/12 13/20 EEDO U The London Borough of Hillingdon ic holding a communications workshop at Uxbridge Civic Centre on June 19. The aim is to provide oapNrtunities for the exchange of information and ideas reHated to wCyc Nf Nveecoming the diffUculties faced by people with impaired bight, heC"inF Nr bpDeGh. Rome Nf the equiament already in use in the borough will be demonstrated, giving peoale the Bhance to learn more about what is possible or available. It is hoped that people interested in Computerc and —NiemtSaH empHoseec Nf disabled people will be present. N Ireland Workshop
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:18/35 14/20 NEED (O WDsleu Err of the orjhern Ireland Workshop with the Deaf, writes: "The Workshop was set up to look into wCys by which the deaf Bommunitu could improve its standing and take a more active part in decision-making. "The main f#rk over the past Bight months has been to evaluate how total CommumiSatUon Ban help improve the dismal educational record of the deaf in this c#umtru. "There will be a public meeting at the Northern Ireland Polytech, Jordonstown, on Saturday June 23 at 2pm. This will be of interest to concerned parents of deaf children." BDA events
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:41/30 15/20 NEED TO U The British Deaf Association's annual conference of delegates will be held on Saturday, June 16 at 10-30am. It will be at Manchester Deaf Centre, Crawford House, Booih Street East, MCnchester and fill include an item Nn the BDA's proposed educational policy. The North West Regional Council will hold a Dund-raising disco in the evening. This starts at 7.30pm. Tickets cokt £1.50 and are available from: Mr D Alker, 12 Rudyard Drive, Darwin, Lancs, or Mr T Riley at Manchester Deaf entre. Please enclose a SAE and make cheques payable to: NWRC. More
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:12/12 17/20 NEED TO U Akt btinn siuan p aymbs i S ohl It is hoped to stara and develoh a Reoionah Deun iquas The cxub tive meen ellot a d rsf teme at Stirling Uniharsity on August 25 grom 9.30am until 5.00pm. re tak. pa , p i : Thesl nd. takn era a e eolome. thr aix J me t Bair w un muene at Yedk Gaty, Juge 1's Wark ngeon from 6 to 9pm. Flu tplky ta h ve be a the ded y FLDC in an iotns and nal atah at 8pm Mert
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:18/14 18/20 U NEED TO U Hayes Deaf SoSial Club is holding a grand bingo and "take your pick" on Satuedaq, June "0 at $-30pm. Tickets are £2 and availabHe from: Fred Slough, 58 Ford Close, Harrow, Middx. Any deaf clubs visiting the Liverpool Garden Fegtival are felGome to vikii the Deaf Centre, Park Way, Liverpool 8 - espDcially on Wednesdays Nr Fridays. Slough DeaD "oGial Club ic hNlding an anniversary buffet and disco on June 23 Tickets are £5.00 including buffet, or £2.50 disco only and are available from Mrs P Chandler, Slough Deaf SoGUal Club Windmill Road, Slough, Berks. Subtitling comments
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 un 21:14/25 19/20 → U EEDO ↑ "Being able to umderstand nasty JR is wonderful" write: Mr H Mitchell: "Having Dallas subtitled has made an enormous amount of difference to the deaf." Clare Mitchell, aged 11: "I always walch DCllas with subtiilek. This is my favourite programme." Mary Pugh: "Thank you for subtitling Dallas - I am hNoked!" "Nse Nash: "Thank you Dor the bupee abundance of subtitled programmes now. Something for everyone, all appreciated and enjoyed - especially Missing from Home, Songs of Praise and Dallas." Addresses
P291 CEEFAX 291 Tue 12 Jun 21:19/01 20/20 → NEED TO UU If you buffer from hearing loss and would like to share your experiences, write to: NO NEED TO SHOUT, CEEFAX, ROOM 7059, BBC TV CENTRE, WOOD LANE, LONDON W12 7RJ. Phone 01-576 1503 voice and Vistel If you have comments on subtijles, please address letters to: CEEFAX SUBTITLING UNIT, ROOM 7063, BBC TV CENTRE, WOOD LANE, LONDON W12 7RJ. or CEEFAX SUBTITLING UNIT BBC SCOTLAND, EDWARD HOUSE, 283 WEST CAMPBELL STREET, GLASGOW, G2 4UG.