Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P311 CEEFAX 311 Tue 12 Jun 21:21/21        EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984   BELGIUM  How Belgians voted in 1979 %  Social Christian 37.7  Socialist 23.4  Liberals 16.6  FDF-RW 7.6  Flemish Nat. 5.9  Others 8.8 National profile in a moment
P311 CEEFAX 311 Tue 12 Jun 21:22/00   2/4     EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  BELGIUM   Turn Nut at 1179 Euro-electUon: 91.6 per cent (Electorate: 6.8m). Parties in national government: SoGial Christians and Liberals. Euroaean eHection vNting bystem: Compulsory voting from age of 18, under a variatUon of the "list system" of proportional representation where the cCndidatec are Bhosen by the partu. The party decides the candidate order but the elector ic allowed to vNie Dor one or more in a different order. Stronglq regionaH in arranFement.  MCtUonal p"ofile Bontinues
P311 CEEFAX 311 Tue 12 Jun 21:23/12   3/4     EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  BELG UM  umber Nf beatc in Euroaean parHiCment: (wentu-four, Bonsisting Nf: * 7 "oGiaHists * 10 ChriktUan DemNcrCtc * 4 LiberaHc and DemNGrCtc * 2 Groip for (echnical Coordination * 1 Independent  OMMENT Dollows in a mNment
P311 CEEFAX 311 Tue 12 Jun 21:17/01   4/4      BELG UM  COMMENT After introducing austerity measures, the Bentre-right FNveenment BoaHitUon is trying to defend itself from a cNciaHikt attack in the eHections. The sNSialists have gained suppNrt recently from the unions, who have been stronglu Np—Nsing the pNliGiec Nf the government. The parties in Belgium, aware of the lanFuage divikions in their Bountrq, view the European poll as legitimate ground Dor national struggles. ational p"ofile in a mNment