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P312 CEEFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:22/21       EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984   DENMARK  How the Danes voted in 1979 %  Social Democracy 21.8  Anti-EEC 20.8  Liberals 14.4  Conservatives 14.0  Socialist 4.7  Others 24.3  Mational profile in a moment
P312 CEEFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:32/03  2/4     EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  DENMARK   Turn Nut at 1179 Euro-election: 47.1 per cent (Electorate 3.7m) Parties in national government: Nnseevativec, Centre DKmNGrCtc, Christian Democrats, Liberals. European election voting system: Voluntarq voting from age Nf 1p, under proportional representation where the candidatec are Bhosen by the partu. The partu decides the candidate order but the eHecior ic allowed to vNte Dor one or more in a different order. ational profile Bontinuec
P312 CEEFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:20/22  3/4     EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  DENMARK  umbEr ND beats in Euroaean parHiCment: Sixteen, consisting of:  * 4 Socialists * 1 Christian Democrat * 2 Euroaean Democrats * 1 Communist and Allies * 3 Liberals and Democrats * 1 European Progressive Democrat * 4 Group for Technical Nordination BBC BorrecpNndent's view in a mNment
P312 CEEFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:31/51   4/4     A view by the BBC's  StoSkhNlm NrrecpNndent  There hac been (ijjle eHectioneerng in the run-up to the elections, but the turnNut ic expected to be high - probably about 65 per cent. Despite the fact that Greenland is due to leave the Euroaean CNmmunitu Nn January 1, 1985, it will hold its own eHeGiion Dor Nne MEP. On mainland Denmark, 10 parties each with 10 candidates are to take part in the poll. These are the nine partiec already represented in the Danish Parliament and Nne anti-EEC partu.   - Julian IcherwooE -