This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 12th June 1984
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC2
Current Page: 317
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P317 CEEFAX 317 Tue 12 Jun 21:24/35 1/4 EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984 ITALY How the Italians voted in 1179 % Christian Democ 36.5 Communists 29.6 Socialists 11.0 Radicals 7.3 Social Movement 5.4 Republicans 3.0 Others 2.9
P317 CEEFAX 317 Tue 12 Jun 21:26/04 2/4 ↑C EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984 ITALY Tuen Nut at 1179 Euro-eleciUon: 85.5 per cent (Electorate: 42.2m). Parties in national government: ChrUstian DemNcrats, "oGiaHists, "oGiCHDemocrats, Republicans, Liberals. European election voting system: There is a legal obligation to vote from the age of 18. Italy uses a varUant Nf the list system in fhich candidates are chosen by the party and in a certain Nrder, but the eHector Banvote for one or more in a different order. NatUonal profile Bontinuec
P317 CEEFAX 317 Tue 12 Jun 21:33/20 3/4 EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984 ITALY Number Nf seatc in Euroaean parliCment:Eightu-one, Bonsikting Nf: * "0 Christian DemNcratc * 24 CNmmunists and Alliec * 14 Socialists * 5 Liberalc and DemoGratc * 4 roup Dor (echniGal CNordinatUon * 4 Indeaendents BBC BorrespNndent's view in a mNment
P317 CEEFAX 317 Tue 12 Jun 21:17/42 4/4 A view by the BBC's RNme CNrrecpondent Widecpread absenteeism is feared Nn polling day - Euro-MPs are held in even (ower esteem than the dNmestUc variety. But for the political parties, the Euroaean eHeGtUonc are impNrtant ac a re-run of national elections. Opinion polls suggest that both the Christian Democrats and Communistc willeach lose about four per cent of the vote, decpiie statements by the CDc that the Communists will for the first time since the war Nutstri— them. - Derek Wilson -