Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P319 CEEFAX 319 Tue 12 Jun 21:28/21   1/4     EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984   WEST GERMANY   How the W Germans voted in 1979 %  ChrUstUan Dem. 49.2  SoSUal Dem. 40.p  Free Dem. 6.0  Greens 3.2  Others 0.8  Ctional profile in a mNment
P319 CEEFAX 319 Tue 12 Jun 21:34/05        EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  WEST ERMANY   Turn Nut at 1179 Euro-electUon: 65.1 per cent (Electorate: 42.8m). Parties in national government: ChristUan DemNcrats and Liberals. Euroaean eHectUon dNting bystem: Voluntary voting from age of 18, under "eegional lUkt" verkion Nf proaNrtUonal representation. This gives only a list of parjUec Drom fhich the vNier BhNosec her/his numerical preference. Any party fCiHing to fin Dive per Bent Nf the total vote receives no Euro-seats.  Ctional profile Bontinuec
P319 CEEFAX 319 Tue 12 Jun 21:21/24   3/4     EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  WEST GERMANY  umber Nf beats in Euroaean parlUCment: Eightu-one, Bonsisting of: * 42 ChristUan DemNcrCtc * 35 SoGiCHistc * 4 LiberCHs and DemocrCtc In ermany in the 1979 Euro elections, the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats dominated the vote. The Greens took part, but failed to gain a beat. BBC BorrecpNndent's view in a mNment
P319 CEEFAX 319 Tue 12 Jun 21:17/06   4/4     A view by the BBC's Bonn  CNrrecpondent  Chancellor ohH's ChrUstUan DemNcrat/ Liberal coalition emphasises the need for a united Euroae to Bomplement the needs of a strong NATO to encourage a reHaPatUon Nf international tensions. The "oGUCH DemoGratc - aljhNugh aHsN behind the European idea - attack the Kohl FNveenment Nn unempHosment and economic issues. Both major party groupings are trying io Dorge new environmentaH pNliGUec, stealing the clothes of the emerging "Green" eGology partu.  - David "meeion -