This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 30th December 2003
Region: East of England
Original Broadcast Channel: ITV1
Current Page: 149
Note:If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P149 Teletext 149 Dec30 21:12:52 WEDNESDAY ———————————————————————————————————————CANCER (June 22 - July 23) Relationships with certain people may not be that good since there are critical influences around. But if you do get yourself into a more self-disciplined mode, you'll create more substantial things. Learn more about diet and health matters. NEW READING FOR THIS WEEK 0906 6513227 STARS FOR THE MONTH AHEAD 0906 6513275 WORK/LOVE/HEALTH IN 2004 0906 6513236 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times——————————————————————————————————1/8—— Is love in the stars for you? 148 C4 KNOW YOUR DESTINY? p349Capri-Gemin Weather RegWeather Holidays
P149 Teletext 149 Dec30 21:21:26 WEDNESDAY ———————————————————————————————————————LEO (July 24 - August 23) Try not to get resentful if other people are holding you back. You often achieve a great deal more if you go slower. You'll be making great efforts to ensure you have an appreciative audience for your witty flow of jokes and theatrical personal comments. NEW READING FOR THIS WEEK 0906 6513228 STARS FOR THE MONTH AHEAD 0906 6513276 WORK/LOVE/HEALTH IN 2004 0906 6513237 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times——————————————————————————————————2/8—— Your stars direct to your mobile 108 Save £££s on your phone bill with Teletext and One.Tel See p385Capri-Gemin Weather RegWeather Holidays
P149 Teletext 149 Dec30 21:21:47 WEDNESDAY ———————————————————————————————————————VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) You may experience some delays, even some gloom and discourage ment. This is a time to be more self-disciplined and knuckle down to the hard chores. You'll be happier with your feet up at home than racing around in the outside world. So try to unload certain work commitments for a few days. NEW READING FOR THIS WEEK 0906 6513229 STARS FOR THE MONTH AHEAD 0906 6513277 WORK/LOVE/HEALTH IN 2004 0906 6513238 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times——————————————————————————————————3/8—— Is love in the stars for you? 148 C4 GET YOUR DAILY MARJORIE ORR HOROSCOPES ON YOUR MOBILE - p108Capri-Gemin Weather RegWeather Holidays
P149 Teletext 149 Dec30 21:32:00Advert Your stars >>> 4/8 THANKYOU FOR THE ADVICE YOU GAVE ME RECENTLY...I DID AS YOU SUGGESTED AND YOU WERE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. HAD I GONE WITH MY ORIGINAL PLAN THE SITUATION WOULD HAVE BEEN MADE MUCH WORSE. YOUR SERVICE HAS PROVED TO BE WITHOUT DOUBT THE BEST I EVER CONSULTED. MRS A.E.SHEFFIELD FOLLOWED BY Aquarius 70 Gemini 74 Libra 78 Pisces 71 Cancer 75 Scorpio 79 Aries 72 Leo 76 Sagittarius 80 Taurus 73 Virgo 77 Capricorn 81 Calls £1/min.May involve a long call K-Com 1 Watergate PH2 5TF pre-recorded tarot-based reading.Entertainment only Capri-Gemin Weather RegWeather Holidays
P149 Teletext 149 Dec30 21:32:22 WEDNESDAY ———————————————————————————————————————LIBRA (September 24 - October 22) If you have concerns that are making you feel you're not doing as well as you want, then give yourself a shake. Over coming weeks you may not stick to any one interest for long in a busier schedule. But your curiosity will send you off in all directions at once asking endless questions. NEW READING FOR THIS WEEK 0906 6513230 STARS FOR THE MONTH AHEAD 0906 6513278 WORK/LOVE/HEALTH IN 2004 0906 6513239 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times——————————————————————————————————5/8—— Your stars direct to your mobile 108NOSTRADAMUS REVEALS ALL p349Capri-Gemin Weather RegWeather Holidays
P149 Teletext 149 Dec30 21:02:56 WEDNESDAY ———————————————————————————————————————SCORPIO (October 23 - November 22) Accept the pressures around now as a way of holding you back in order to learn to focus. If you concentrate you will find the answer. You may seem preoccupied with money matters over the coming days, but it is all to a good end. This is the time to be singing for your supper. NEW READING FOR THIS WEEK 0906 6513231 STARS FOR THE MONTH AHEAD 0906 6513279 WORK/LOVE/HEALTH IN 2004 0906 6513240 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times——————————————————————————————————6/8—— Your stars direct to your mobile 108CHAT NOW FROM 2p/MINUTE SEE p374Capri-Gemin Weather RegWeather Holidays
P149 Teletext 149 Dec30 21:14:17 WEDNESDAY ———————————————————————————————————————SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 22) If you can deal with one particular situation now just as it is, then you will find it easier to handle. You will want to talk about a wider range of topics than usual, but are tending to stay clear of anything too emotional. NEW READING FOR THIS WEEK 0906 6513232 STARS FOR THE MONTH AHEAD 0906 6513280 WORK/LOVE/HEALTH IN 2004 0906 6513241 T+ Cost: 60p per minute at all times——————————————————————————————————7/8—— Your stars direct to your mobile 108GET THE LATEST RINGTONES SEE p359Capri-Gemin Weather RegWeather Holidays
P149 Teletext 149 Dec30 21:14:43Advert Your stars >>> 8/8 . * . . * . * .* * . * * . * . As a naturally gifted reader. * I will endeavour to use my knowledge and intuition to * provide you with the . predictions and answers * . that you seek * . * FOLLOWED . BY * . Aquarius 940 Gemini 944 Libra 948Pisces 941 Cancer 945 Scorpio 949Aries 942 Leo 946 Sagittarius 950Taurus 943 Virgo 947 Capricorn 951Calls £1/min.May involve a long call K-Com 1 Watergate PH2 5TF pre-recorded tarot-based reading.Entertainment only Capri-Gemin Weather RegWeather Holidays