This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 30th December 2003
Region: East of England
Original Broadcast Channel: ITV1
Current Page: 704
Note:If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P704 :½ e k+k-u M. k/k +/ 2117:186—/kG XC½6 pkHoa U e kkao? oHx.a? ?k,bX p ¼k Ek 8X X. k.kGX<9ao5a.XC <<, lUOw18 0 GE+XHXHo8½<(k u kk> 8k /+V,M8 .%aG.9kX=X,9a 8 H E XV+ 8-¾ca 8G81. 0 o . 8X0k0GHE81GG ½a3 k k0xBX HXH H½ H O↑ O →VL'U C g X nHkHGk Gxka½H0 p>aoHG%H H! * &< . 0GaGG 8>ox H% 9 k0 ao,<8kC/I½,qak0 ½ ½koGo>>.G.%L0ka.%HkCoC H HX H vA kHoHo? H hkH .- w H k .k. l %9o k3X→2 <>G XH Hm .½kE.G Ga HX= kokX< EH o a O-g Hc< 8 o; akH: G>½a-0oH9) 5 k/6@← > a 8 aM = 8 8 8Gk k ok,o,k0<0h kGb