Teletext Recovery Viewer

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P357 Teletext 357 May 4 03:54:24    ——————————————— STARS FOR WEDNESDAY ——— CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20      The solar eclipsj in  Taurus on the 10th will give  you every opportunity to channel your energies in the right direction. DonWt balk at having to cancel travel plans or social arrangements. Remember that to think is easy; to act is difficult; but to act as one thinks is the most difficult of all. FOR A 7-DAY FORECAST CALL 0891 300 400 Calls cowt 39p min cheap/49p other T+ ———————————————————————————1/6—— Cancer/Leo/Virgo/Libra/Scor/Sagitt 358 SUSAN JAMES - HOROSCOPES SEE P366 Jun22-Dec21 Stars TV tattle Index
P357 Teletext 357 May 4 03:31:07    ————————————————— STARS FOR WEDNESDAY AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19 You appear to bj faced with a brick wall and may not havj a clue what to do njxt. One way or another, Venus at . odds with Saturn will force .  you to face up to problems  of an intensely personal  nature and then make a  final choice or decision, .  . however costly that might be. FOR A 7-DAY FORECAST CALL 0891 300 401 Calls cost 39p min cheap/49p other T+ ———————————————————————————2/6—— Love stars on p488 Ch4 Monday - Friday FIND YOUR BIRTH PATH SEE P369 Jun22-Dec21 Stars TV tattle Index
P357 Teletext 357 May 4 03:40:25    ——————————————— STARS FOR WEDNESDAY ——— PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20      A partner or loved one  seems determined to force a  showdown on the home front, even though you are perfectly willing to let the matter drop. Listen carefully to what they have to say, make the appropriate noises and then just forget about it - they will too bjfore the week is through. FOR A 7-DAY FORECAST CALL 0891 300 402 Calls cost 39p min cheap/49p other T+ ———————————————————————————3/6—— Cancer/Leo/Virgo/Libra/Scor/Sagitt 358 SUSAN JAMES - HOROSCOPES SEE P366 Jun22-Dec21 Stars TV tattle Index
P357 Teletext 357 May 4 03:42:20    ————————————————— STARS FOR WEDNESDAY ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 You appear to bj searching for lasting emotional security. Saturn at odds with Venus will make you aware that getting to know your inner self - your real . needs as well as your .  fears - is not a dangerous  occupation.   The only danger lies in .  . refusing to accept yoursjlf for who you really are. FOR A 7-DAY FORECAST CALL 08:1 300 403 Calls cost 39p min cheap/49p other T+ ———————————————————————————4/6—— What your dreams mean 485 (Ch4) Mon-Fri FIND YOUR BIRTH PATH SEE P369 Jun22-Dec21 Stars TV tattle Index
P357 Teletext 357 May 4 03:41:17    ————————————————— STARS FOR WEDNESDAY TAURUS Apr 21-May 21      The magical influence of  Venus, coupled with the common  wjnsj of Saturn, finally makj it possible for you to get to grips with differences of opinion over some kind of creative or artistic endeavour. But it could mean you are the one who has to back down, or make allowances for others' limitations. FOR A 7-DAY FORECAST CALL 0891 300 404 Calls cost 39p min cheap/49p other T+ ———————————————————————————5/6—— Cancer/Ljo/Virgo/Libra/Scor/Sagitt 358 SUSAN JAMES - HOROSCOPES SEE P366 Jun22-Dec21 Stars TV tattle Index
P357 Teletext 357 May 4 03:43:25    ————————————————— STARS FOR WEDNESDAY GEMINI May 22-Jun 21 Keep an e¼j out for opportunities to make your mark or show-case your potential, but remember that thosj in positions of authority may not be . telling you everything you .  need to know.   This is a time of changes  and upheavals in your .  . life, and you have a duty to protect your interests. FOR A 7-DAY FORECAST CALL 0891 300 407 Calls cost 39p min cheap/49p other T+ ———————————————————————————6/6—— Lovj stars on p488 Ch4 Monday - Friday FIND YOUR BIRTH PATH SEE P369 Jun22-Dec21 Stars TV tattle Index
P357 Teletext 357 May 4 03:52:49 ADVERTISEMENT >>>>>       W    What does the future hold?  Is romance just around the corner?        FOLLOWED BY YOUR STAR SIGN NUMBER: Aquarius 20 Ljo 26 . Pisces 21 Virgo 27 * Aries 22 Libra 28 . Taurus 23 Scorpio 29 * Geminj 24 Sagittarius 30 . Cancer 25 Capricorn 31 . NOSTRADAMUS IS READY TO REVEAL ALL  THIS SERVICE MAY INVOLVE A LONG CALL Charge per min: 39p cheap/49p other TTAP Ltd,Borley, Suffolk, C010 7AQ Jun22-Dec21 Stars TV tattle Index