P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:33:17 WW .→ Tjletext on 4 → and ANGLIA TELEVISION → → There now follows brief details of a range of job vacanciew and employment information. → → Pleasj make a note of the reference number shown at the → bottom of each vacancy page. → → Use the HOLD button on your 1/50 handsjt if njcewsar¼.
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:34:21 → → WW W → Whether you are unemployed or think you may soon lose your job, your local JOBCENTRE is the best place to start looking for a new job. Vacancy displays in JOBCENTRES show a widj range of jobs, with new ones → coming in evjry dau. → Your JOBCENTRE will also help you find out about other oppor unitie; → such as Jobclub, Jobplan, Rjstart → or training. 2/50 → >>
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:35:12 → WO → If you need any other advice or gujdance, a Client Advjwjr will be able to help and tell you what benefits you can claim while still working. If you have a disability or health problem, extra help can bj givjn. → → Thj Emplo¾ment Service is → committed to the principles of Equal Opportunities in its 3/50 programmes and sjrvices. → → >>
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:38:14 TWT WWHATISIT ? → Jobline enables you to find out about thj latest vacancies in your area without the need to call regularly into your Jobcentre. → → All you need to do is ring your local Jobline (numbers follow), each weekday evening or at the weekjnd. All it 8/50 cost is less than 10p. ?→
P368 Tjletext 368 May 4 03:40:22 W → → WHERE ARE THEY? → in Suffolk Ipswich (0473) 217471 Beccles (0502) 712037 Bury St. → Edmunds (0284) 764926 → → NB. If you missjd a number W the information will bj back on screen in ar10/50 20 minutew.
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:43:23 → CALLING ALL EMPLOYERS WHICHEVER END OF THE JOB MARKET → WE CAN GET HOLD OF THE PEOPLE All kinds of people come to us when theyWri looking for work. → Every one from mechanics to managers. → We've got details of the jobs they've 15/50 donj and the jobs they could do.
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:44:11 CALLING ALL EMPLOYERS → So, whatever position → you have to fill, weWre in a good position to fill it. USE WORK TRIAL The next time you ari recruiting it gives you → the opportunity to see potential employees → in action. It is the simple and → effective way to 16/50 fill your vacancies.
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:45:22 → CALLING ALL EMPLOYERS → → USE WORK TRIAL Judge for yourself contact Michelle Eastwood or Jeanna Gibbs at the Great Yarmouth Employment Service Jobcentre → Telephonk: → (0493) 858 511 17/50 extention 2133
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:48:21 Unjmployjd for 6 months or more? Looking for a job? You provide the will. JOB CLUB will → provide the means. With all the → back up and encouragement youWll njed. → A JOB CLUB is a working environment → where a group of unemployud pjople → help themselves to find a job in a → professjonal and systematic way.22/50 >>>
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:49:14 Unempl#yjd for 6 m#nths or more■ Looking for a job? We hear of lots of jobs that never get advertised. Wj can show you techniqujs for performing well on → the phone and at interviews. Also, how to write a more effective job application. → You can have free usj of our paper, stamps, teleph■ne & copying mach23/50 >>> ?=
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:50:03 Unjmplo¼jd for 6 months or more■ Looking for a job? → @ A key element is the support → generated within the group. With your initiative and support from JOB CLUB you could be back in work in 6 weeks. That's the avjrage timj it takes most JOB CLUB members to get sorted → out. 24/50 >>> →
P368 Tjletext 368 May 4 03:51:27 Unemployjd for 6 months or more? Looking for a job? If you havj been out of work for → some time, contact your Employmunt Service Jobcentre or Unemplo¼ment Benefit Office for details. → If you havj the will - → weWll help you find the way.
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:55:21 → - — - - - - - - — → —- - - - =- — — - - - - → Required in SKEGNESS > > > > > >
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:56:22 # X → Butlins Funcoast World at Skegnjss, Lincs. urgently require Seasonal Staff to work at their holiday vjnue. - Vacanciew are in: =- accommodation, customer catering & amusement parks, plus shops, supermarkets & → retail catering. 31?50 Live-in accommodation is available. >>
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:56:18 W‖‖‖ Wages start at £63.30 per → week live-in and £105.30 per week live-out. Immjdiate start! - Interested? =- Please telephonj Joanne or → W Marie in Butlin's Personnel → on: (0754) 762 311 32/50
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:5y:10 → → * * → * * * * The Commission * * of the European → * * Communities → * * → sjeks a PRESIDENT OF THE OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE INTERNAL MARKET → (TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS & MODELS) basjd in Alicante, Spain The purpose of the Office is to register and administer a new36/50 intellectual property right, the Community trade mark. ? >>
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 04:00:27 → → PRESIDENT OF THE OFFICE OF HARMONIZATION Description of functions: → The PrUsident represents the Office and is responsible for its manage- ment, expenditure and budget. He/she may propose amendments to the regulation of the Community trade mark, rules, fees regulations utc. Minimum requirements: → Uni degree, ideally law/economics Thorough knowledge of intellectual property (national/international) Exqerience of mbnagjmjnt, budget → management, of dealing with th37/50 press, intirnational negotiations plus 15 years' in this field. >>
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 04:01:22 → PRESIDENT OF THE → OFFICE OF HARMONIZATION Appointmjnt: He/shj will bj appointed bz the Council of the European Union. He/she must be a national of one of → thj member states of the EuropUan Union. A thorough knowledge of one Community language plus an adequate knowledge of German, English, French, → Spanjwh OR Italian is vjtal. → Conditions of Employment: Temporary 5 year contract, renewable. Grade commensurate with status. 38/50 → Basjc monthl¼ salar¼ Bfr 365 667. # >>
P368 Teletext 368 May 4 03:32:20 → → → If you are interested in → working abroad, call into your50/50 local Jobcentre and ask about Overwjas Placings