This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 4th May 1994
Region: East of England
Original Broadcast Channel: ITV1
Current Page: 373
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P373 Teletext 373 May 4 03:31:28PLAY CASHLINES & WIN UP TO £1,000 You have 5 chances to win every day. There are 5 pages on Tjletext each with a winning CASHLINES number at the bottom of the page. If the lucky number on your index card matches exactly any of the CASHLINES numbers, you can claim up to £1,000. Today's pages are: CASHLINESWzITV - 161Ch4 - 485 win 297660up to 317£1000 How to claim - see p374 CASHLINE NUMBERS CHANGE 12 NOON DAILY TO GET AN INDEX CARD SEE FOLLOWING PAGE... 1/2 Rules & Rjgs Holidays RegNews Spotlight
P373 Teletext 373 May 4 03:52:41 HOW TO GET YOUR NEW INDEX CARD To get a copy of the latest Teletext indjx card phonj 0891 78 75 78 or send a stamped, addressed 2/2 envelope to: Tjletext Index Cards CASHLINESWzPO Box 297, win London SW6 1XT up to £1000 or look in the Times Rjview section Saturday 23rd April. CASHLINES PAGE NUMBERS FOLLOW ... Latest Winner: H.CAMPBELL, EDINBURGHCalls are 39p/min cheap,49p/min otherRules & Rjgs Holidays RegNews Spotlight