Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P652 CEEFAX 1 652 Tue 08 Jul 19:53/01  ———————————————————————————————   MIXING   IT  ————————————————————————— 1/3 THINGY Olive Drab Album: Songs About Angels, Evil, And Running About On Fire CD: Headhunter HID 067 CHOIR OF THE ANCHISKHATI CHURCH Mravaldzanier Album: Faith: A Message From The Spirits CD: Soul Jazz SJRCD 34 BILL BRUFORD'S EARTHWORKS Pigalle Album: Heavenly Bodies CD: Virgin CDVE 934 R1 641 R2 642 R3 643 R4 644 R5L 645 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 BlueSkies Treatment Magazine RadioLink
P652 CEEFAX 1 652 Tue 08 Jul 19:22/22  ———————————————————————————————   MIXING   IT  ————————————————————————— 2/3 RU COODER Chan Chan, Buena Vista Social Club, Murmullo Album: Buena Vista Social Club CD: World Circuit WT2 WED 050 RY COODER Soukora Album: Talking Timbuktu CD: World Circuit WED 040 RY COODER A Meeting By The River Album: A Meeting By The River CD: Water Lily Acoustics WLA-CS 29 CD R1 641 R2 642 R3 643 R4 644 R5L 645 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 BlueSkies Treatment Magazine RadioLink
P652 CEEFAX 1 652 Tue 08 Jul 19:51/27  ———————————————————————————————   MIXING   IT  ————————————————————————— 3/3 RU COODER Dos Gardenias Album: Buena Vista Social Club CD: World Circuit WT2 WED 050 WIMME Duoldi Ala XBoiling Spring) Album: Wimme CD: Rockadillo ZENCD 2043 LAUREN NEWTON & JOELLE LEANDER Silvery Blue-Green Album: 18 Colors CD: Leo Records CD LR 245 FRANK ZAPPA Naval Aviation In Art? Album: Strictly Genteel CD: RykoDisc RED 10578 R1 641 R2 642 R3 643 R4 644 R5L 645 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 BlueSkies Treatment Magazine RadioLink