Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P442 CEEFAX 1 442 Wed 01 Dec 12:11/21    HEATHROW T2  Updated at 1209 1115 Milan-malpen AZ228 Landed 11361125 Munich LH4518 Landed 11291130 Rome AZ202 Landed 11271130 Bucharest RO391 Expected 12301140 Budapest MA610 Landed 12011200 Moscow SU241 Delayed 1205 Vienna OS453 Landed 12001205 Vienna NG453 Landed 12001215 Paris-CdG AF1570 Expected 12121240 Porto TP5182 Expected 12391255 Sofia LZ495 Expected 12561300 Luxembourg LG403 1300 Basle LX824 Expected 13131300 Basle BA6672 Expected 13131300 Zurich SR8p2 Expected 13131310 Paris-CdG AF1670 1315 Istanbul IL703 Expected 1316 1/3 Information: 0870 000 0123 LHR T3 Sport Weather Main menu
P442 CEEFAX 1 442 Wed 01 Dec 12:11/24    HEATHROW T2  Updated at 1214 1320 Lyon AF5246 Expected 13291330 Dusseldorf LH4556 1350 Prague OK650 Expected 13561355 Toulouse AF5240 Delayed 1405 Frankfurt LH4508 1405 Hamburg LH4510 1410 Munich LH4564 1420 Madrid IB3164 1420 Geneva SR832 1425 Athens OA269 Expected 14151440 Barcelona IB4188 1505 Milan-malpen AZ236 1510 Paris-CdG AF1870 1540 Valencia IB4150 1540 Hamburg LH4592 1545 Casablanca AT800 1550 Malaga IB4138 2/3 Information: 0870 000 0123 LHR T3 Sport Weather Main menu
P442 CEEFAX 1 442 Wed 01 Dec 12:11/17    HEATHROW T2  Updated at 1204 1600 Madrid IB3174 1610 Paris-CdG AF1970 1620 Rome AZ204 1630 Zurich SR804 1635 Frankfurt LH4540 1640 Santiago IB4128 1655 Milan-malpen AZ238 1705 Lisbon TP5156 1710 Paris-CdG AF2070 3/3 Information: 0870 000 0123 LHR T3 Sport Weather Main menu