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P601 CEEFAX 1 601 Wed 01 Dec 12:12/11  ————————————————————————————   WEDNESDAY   0600-1345  —————————————————————— 1/5 0600 BBC BREAKFAST NEWS S 0900 KILROY S/N Discussion about shoplifting 1000 CITY HOSPITAL S/N see 620 Daily drama at Southampton General 1100 THE CLUB N Lifestyle show with Emma Forbes 1130 REAL ROOMS Simon Biagi hosts design makeovers 1200 CALL MY BLUFF S/N Louise Jameson, John Sergeant and Paula Radcliffe join the word game 1230 THROUGH THE KEYHOLE S/N Snooping around celebrity homes 1300 BBC NEWS S; WEATHER 1330 LOOK EAST S = Subtitles R = Repeat N = Nicam BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 BBC2 TV ITV C4 Satellite
P601 CEEFAX 1 601 Wed 01 Dec 12:12/34  ————————————————————————————   WEDNESDAY   1345-1710  —————————————————————— 2/5 1345 NEIGHBOURS S/N Libby believes Bill is in trouble 1410 DIAGNOSIS MURDER S/N Mark Sloan is taken hostage 1455 WIPEOUT S/N/R Another round of the game show 1520 CHILDREN'S BBC: ORVILLE AND CUDDLES N/R 1525 TWEENIES S/N/R Max watches a combine harvester 1545 PABLO N 1610 INSIDES OUT S/N Fitting teeth into a giant mouth 1635 MICROSOAP S/N Joe builds a model space rocket 1700 NEWSROUND S/N see 510 S = Subtitles R = Repeat N = Nicam BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 BBC2 TV ITV C4 Satellite
P601 CEEFAX 1 601 Wed 01 Dec 12:12/02  ————————————————————————————   WEDNESDAY   1710-1955  —————————————————————— 3/5 1710 BLUE PETER S/N see 525 The team report from Israel 1735 NEIGHBOURS S/N/R Karl and Susan are shocked by one another's stark confessions 1800 BBC NEWS S 1830 LOOK EAST 1900 CELEBRITY READY, STEADY, COOK S/N see 580 with TV presenter Esther Rantzen and GMTV's Dr Hilary Jones 1930 TOMORROW'S WORLD S/N see 623 examines an important breakthrough in the understanding of human genes which could revolutionise approaches to medical treatment S = Subtitles R = Repeat N = Nicam BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 BBC2 TV ITV C4 Satellite
P601 CEEFAX 1 601 Wed 01 Dec 12:11/22  ————————————————————————————   WEDNESDAY   1955-2215  —————————————————————— 4/5 1955 CHILDREN'S PROMISE: THE MAN IN THE GOLDEN SUIT S/N 2000 BORN TO BE WILD S/N/R Nicholas Lyndhurst spends a week in Uganda to see the settlement of 15 orphaned and abused chimps 2050 THE NATIONAL LOTTERY THIRD DEGREE S/N see 555 Quickfire general knowledge quiz 2100 NEWS S; LOOK EAST; WEATHER See regional news Ceefax page 160 2128 NATIONAL LOTTERY UPDATE see 555 2130 FINEST HOUR S/N The evacuation of troops from the beaches of Dunkirk, which brought in a new spirit of solidarity S = Subtitles R = Repeat N = Nicam BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 BBC2 TV ITV C4 Satellite
P601 CEEFAX 1 601 Wed 01 Dec 12:11/41  ————————————————————————————   WED/THU   2215-0600  —————————————————————— 5/5 2215 21ST CENTURY STALKING S Toby Sculthorp's alarming film of the first case of cyber-stalking, where the Internet was used as a weapon by a woman's scorned lover 2250 THE RICHARD DIMBLEBY LECTURE S/N Professor Susan Greenfield argues that future lives may be dominated by mindless gratification; WEATHER 2335 FILM: OUT OF ANNIE'S PAST S/N Thriller starring Catherine Mary Stewart as a woman attempting to sever her ties with the Mob and build herself a new life. Also starring Dennis Farina. (1994) 0105-0600 BBC NEWS 24 S = Subtitles R = Repeat N = Nicam BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 BBC2 TV ITV C4 Satellite