Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P116 SKY MOVIEMAX 116 06 Dec 2241:50 SKY TEXT        TV LETTERS SEE PAGE 152 WE want to hear your views on any topic — there are four ways to contact us. 1 - WRITE Sky Tjxt Letters, Grant Way, Isleworth, Middlesjx, TW7 5QD. 2 - CALL 24 hours on 020 7941 5644. 3 - FAX us on 020 7941 5669. 4 - E MAIL PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS. VIEWS ARE NOT ENDORSED BY BSKYB/SKYTEXT FOR ALL OTHER ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL VIEWER RELATIONS ON 0870 240 3000 ————————————————————————————————— 1/4 << 115 Weather ———————— TV Index 120 >> COUPLES WANTED FOR TV DOCUMENTARY SEE PAGE 174 Headline TV Index Gossip Main Index
P116 SKY MOVIEMAX 116 06 Dec 2337:14 SKY TEXT        ——————————————————————————————————————— How's this for starters, Jack? With the problems of crime committed by under-16-year-olds, what about these suggestions? Sack 10,000 social workers and employ 10,000 extra police; bring back stop- and-search; make the parents of those children involved explain themselves in court; and stop asking for background reports before sentencing. Kenneth O'Boyle, Perth —————————————————————————————————————— << 115 Weather ———————— TV Index 120 >> WHAT'S ON NOW/WHAT'S ON NEXT P124 Headline TV Index Gossip Main Index
P116 SKY MOVIEMAX 116 06 Dec 2342:52 SKY TEXT        ——————————————————————————————————————— Where is the mystery? Peter Holloway (December 5) wonders why the Conservatives are so disliked. Perhaps you've forgotten what 18 years under the Tories was like: 15% interest rates, three million unemployed, VAT on fuel, 100,000 houses repossessed. And Thatcher said there was no such thing as society. Do I need to go on? Valerie Knights, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex —————————————————————————————————————— << 115 Weather ———————— TV Index 120 >> CLINT EASTWOOD IN TRUE CRIME STAR PROFILE SEE 221 Headline TV Index Gossip Main Index
P116 SKY MOVIEMAX 116 06 Dec 2222:14 SKY TEXT        ——————————————————————————————————————— And Chief Constables might fly... Unlike an ordinary member of the public Jack Straw's driver is not to be taken to court for speeding on the motorway because he thought he might be escaping from a possible threat. And Chief Constables might fly! Alan Vernon, Mapperley, Notts. —————————————————————————————————————— << 115 Weather ———————— TV Index 120 >> WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES? FIND OUT THE GOOD&BAD! PRESS 157 Headline TV Index Gossip Main Index