Teletext Recovery Viewer

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P187 SKY MOVIEMAX 187 06 Dec 2326:13  1/3  W    This week's  question is ... Who  are the two  members of  Team Rocket?  a)Ash & Misty  b)Brock & Gary  or c)Jesse &  James??? BRAND NEW COMPETITION ONLINE NOW! WIN EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE ACTION FIGURES! CALL NOW ON 0900 2222 100 Get bill payers permission. Cost 50p/min Newstel, Glasgow G3 8AZ Releases TV Index Gossip MovieMax
P187 SKY MOVIEMAX 187 06 Dec 2248:43 2/3     *  *  * *  *  Worried? Concerned? Depressed? By examining each star sign, Morgan identifies potential areas that are likely to concern you in order that you can deal with them effectively... * * * CALL NOW ON... * * 09069 11 20 23 FOR YOUR VERY OWN STRESS STONE! * Call cost £1/min Newstel Glasgow G3 8AZ Releases TV Index Gossip MovieMax
P187 SKY MOVIEMAX 187 06 Dec 2224:55       Love, Money, Health, Happiness - What does the future hold for you?     Call now as    Ramona offers    to guide you                   using the    power of the     Tarot    Calls cost £1/min at all times and may involve a long call NEWSTEL,36 WashingtonSt,GLASGOW G38AZ Releases TV Index Gossip MovieMax
P187 SKY MOVIEMAX 157 06 Dec 2232:17 A D ERTI E E J T      @@@@@  7 * %",!%*",!,%←$)&* )$,% Call now foe your Chinese hmroscope, New Year'C prediction and much more @  TTJV@  →@ Calls cost £1/minute at all times Max.Dur-Full H'scope 15mins,Short 6mins BONDLAND3,24 EL$E ST,LONDON SW6 2QP Feng Shui Hreams X-FilesNews Main Index