Teletext Recovery Viewer

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P159 SKY MOVIEMAX 159 06 Dec 2249:37 SKY TEXT       DREAM ANALZSIS 1/8 Dreams are the mind's way of alerting us to ourselves and our lives. Let our celebrity analyst Richard Spencer work out what your dreams are telling you. WRITE to him at Sky Text Dreams, BSKYB, Grant Way, Isleworth, Middx, TW8 5QD Or FAX him on: 0207 941 5669 Or EMAIL him at: Please include your name and address. Sorry, Richard can only reply on-screen THIS PAGE IS UPDATED EVERY WEDNESDAY ——————————————————————————————————————— << 158 Feng Shui ——— Interactive 160 >> FREE SKY WAP PHONE PACKAGE WORTH £250 SEE 280 LoveTjxt Gossip Leisure Main Index
P159 SKY MOVIEMAX 159 06 Dec 2338:50 SKY TEXT       DREAM ANALYSIS 2/8 I dreamt that my husband and I were at a party and our favourite song came on. But instead of dancing with me, he grabbed his ex-girlfriend and totally ignored the fact that I was so upset. She was looking at me with a smug look on her face. I felt devastated and I was quite upset when I woke up. Debbie, Aylesbury ——————————————————————————————————————— << 158 Feng Shui ——— Interactive 160 >> WHAT'S ON NOW/WHAT'S ON NEXT P124 LoveText Gossip Leisure Main Index
P159 SKY MOVIEMAX 159 06 Dec 2229:24 SKY TEXT       DREAM ANALYSIS 3/8 Debbie's party dream... RICHARD: It's not so much things in themselves that are the cause of problems as our response to them. So said a wise ancient philosopher and he must have had one ear to the pulsj of dreams, as this is the core of what dreams reveal. Debbie is in a fix about her own insecurities. (continues...) ——————————————————————————————————————— << 158 Feng Shui ——— Interactive 160 >> SEE WHAT BARRY NORMAN HAS TO SAY ABOUT THE LATEST FILMS SEE 216 LoveTjxt Gossip Leisure Main Index
P159 SKY MOVIEMAX 159 06 Dec 2228:48 SKY TEXT       DREAM ANALZSIS 4/8 Debbie's party dream... RICHARD: Having felt a tremendous sense of intimacy and unity with her husband, she is suddenly weighed down with the awkward and agonising fear about how loveable she is. She is questioning her own physical appeal and is deeply fearful that she is no longer appealing to her husband. Richard's dream clinic follows... ——————————————————————————————————————— << 158 Feng Shui ——— Interactive 160 >> FOR OUR LATEST HOLIDAY OFFERS SEE SKY ONE PAGE 200 LoveText Gossip Leisure Main Index
P159 SKY MOVIEMAX 159 06 Dec 2225:16 SKY TEXT       DREAM ANALYSIS 5/8 DREAM CLINIC Richard's guide to some of the symbols in this dream that might appear in yours - and what they mean: SINGING/SONGS How we let go or express our deep feelings. The need to celebrate feelings that are held within DANCING The overwhelming sense of intimacy with someone, or being in harmony with ourself. It also expresses happiness and sjxual closeness, either existing or desired. ——————————————————————————————————————— << 158 Feng Shui ——— Interactive 160 >> E-MAIL US: LETTERS@SKYTEXT.BSKYB.COM LoveText Gossip Leisure Main Index
P159 SKY MOVIEMAX 159 06 Dec 2322:40 SKY TEXT       DREAM ANALZSIS 6/8 DREAM CLINIC: Interpret your dreams... ANOTHER WOMAN DANCING WITH YOUR MAN The way you deal with being loved, fears of how appealing one is to a long-term partner. Often the root cause for such a dream image is normal insecurities that have arisen over time or suspicions that have not been aired about trust, faithfulness and strength of feelings. (continues...) ——————————————————————————————————————— << 158 Feng Shui ——— Interactive 160 >> HUGE SHAKE-UPS FOR X-FILES PRESS SCULLY WILL BELIEVE??! 193 LoveText Gossip Leisure Main Index
P159 SKY MOVIEMAX 159 06 Dec 2223:55 SKY TEXT       DREAM ANALZSIS 7/8 DREAM CLINIC: Interpret your dreams... ANOTHER WOMAN DANCING WITH YOUR MAN The need to voice your concerns when having this dream is obvious to avoid anger spilling into the relationship and blaming a partner rashly. Better to discuss your feelings and see whether a lack of appreciation or communication from the partner is to blame in unsettling your emotional security. (continues...) ——————————————————————————————————————— << 158 Feng Shui ——— Interactive 160 >> THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER WORLDWIDE HOLIDAYS SEE SKY ONE 203 LoveTjxt Gossip Leisure Main Index
P159 SKY MOVIEMAX 159 06 Dec 2324:14 SKY TEXT       DREAM ANALYSIS 8/8 DREAM CLINIC: Interpret your dreams... PARTY The social scene or world that we move wijhin. Our feelings connected with this part of our lives. ——————————————————————————————————————— << 158 Feng Shui ——— Interactive 160 >> TALK TO PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER THE UK! MAKE FRIENDS,GET A DATE! PRESS 188 LoveTjxt Gossip Leisure Main Index