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P211 SKY MOVIEMAX 211 06 Dec 2328:50 SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— JANUARY FEATURES... BRAND NEW BUFFY FOR THE NEW YEAR The Buffster is back for a fifth series on Sky One in January. After surviving her first year at college without flunking or having her blood sucked by vampires Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) goes from strength to strength in her battle against vampires and the new series promises to be better than ever! See for yourself on Sky One at 20:00 on Fridays from January 5. ——————————————————————————————————————— << 210 Movies ———— Jan Feature 212 >> CHECK OUT THE WWF PAGE SKY ONE 262 Next MoviesA-Z Releases TV Index
P211 SKY MOVIEMAX 211 06 Dec 2337:19 SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— JANUARY FEATURES... DESTINATION: SPACE PREMIERE If the visionaries have their way we could soon be living, working and holidaying in space! Meet the people exploring new possibilities of space exploration... American astronaut Michael Foale shares his experiences of his time on the critically damagaed Russian Mir satellite. Plays on National Geographic at 21:00 on Monday 1 January. ——————————————————————————————————————— << 210 Movies ———— Jan Feature 212 >> BARRY NORMAN'S LOOK AT THE MOVIES! TURN TO 153 NOW! Next MoviesA-Z Releases TV Index
P211 SKY MOVIEMAX 211 06 Dec 2223:12 SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— JANUARY FEATURES... THE DAY THE WORLD TOOK OFF... This fascinating series takes a look at the impact industrialisation had in creating the modern world as we know it. The first episode, The Iron Horse, takes a look at the early architects of Britain's Industrial Revolution such as James Watt and John Wilkinson and why industrialisation begin in Britain. Premieres on The History Channel at 20:00 on Sunday 24 January. ——————————————————————————————————————— << 210 Movies ———— Jan Feature 212 >> WHAT DO THE PICTURES HAVE IN STORE THIS SUMMER? FILM RELEASES 216-217 Next MoviesA-Z Releases TV Index
P211 SKY MOVIEMAX 211 06 Dec 2236:54 SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— JANUARY FEATURES... LAUGHTER IS THE BEST THERAPY Baddiel's Syndrome is a brand new sitcom written for Sky One by none other than David Baddiel and Peter Bradshaw. Each week the series follows three or four connected plotlines centred around a dysfunctional group of friends, leaving therapist Stephen Fry to pick up the pieces... Judge for yourself and tune in at 22:00 from Sunday 14 January on Sky One. ——————————————————————————————————————— << 210 Movies ———— Jan Feature 212 >> WHAT'S COMING UP. TV GUIDE P120 Next MoviesA-Z Releases TV Index
P211 SKY M#V JMAX 221@06 Dec 2220:!9 SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— JANUARZ FEATIOES1.. DESTINATION: SPACE PREMIERE If the vUkYonajies have theUr Uay we Soulm soon bU living, working an$ holidaying in space! Meet the people @ exploring new possibilities of space exploration... Am rican astronaut Michael Foale shares his experiences of his time on the critically damagaed Russian MiB satellite.a Plays on National GUographUc at 21:00 on Monday 1 January. ——————————————————————@———————————————— << 210 Movies ———— Jan Feature 212 >> BARRY NORMAN'S LOOK AT THE MOVIES! TURN TO 153 NOW! Nexl MoviesAmZ ReleasUs TV Index
P211 'W← J#V JJAQ @@ JG %4)4:11 S Y TEXT @  T ——————————————————————————————————————— JANUARZ FEATURES...a LRUGHTJV IS THE BEST THE APY Baddiel's Syndrome is a brand Jew si5com written for Sky One by none @ other than David Baddiel and Peter Bradshaw. E!"h Ueek $he series "ollows three or four connected plotlinUs centred around a dysfunctional group of friends, leaving therapist Stephen Fry to pick up the pieces... @ @ Judge Voj yourself and tune in al 22:00 from Su day 14 January on Sky One. ——————————————————————————————————————— << 210 Movies ———— Jan Feature 212 >> +HAT'S CO-ING UP. TV GUIDE P120 Nexj MoviesA-Z Releases TV Index
P211 SKY MOVIEMAX 211 06 Dec 2324:35 SKY TEXT   ——————————————————————————————————————— JANUARY FEATURJS... LAUGHTER IS THE BEST THERAPY Baddiel's Sundrome is a brand Tew sitcom written for Sky One by nonj other than David Baddiel and Peter Bradkhaw. Each week the series@follows three or four connected plotlines centred around a dysfunctional group of friends, leaving therapist Stephen Fry to pick up@the pUeces... Judge Voj s#ueseMf and tune in at 22:Q0 from Sunday 14 Jbmubry on Sky One. ——————————————————————A——————@—————A——— << 210 Movies ———— Jan Feature 212 >> WHAT'S EOLIJG UP→ TV UIDE P120 Le(( ModIdsAJ  RDLEaReR T$ IJd$(
P211    ! E . 1 an 1 : @ 9 Jan 1 Jan 21z 2 Jan 0 : @ @ @ ———————————— 888 SU——ITLED ———————————— SNI Jan W-e CU n- C mimmW MovUesA-Z