Teletext Recovery Viewer

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P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 24 Jan 21:51/02   16/17 JANUARY  SUMMARY 1/8 2200 Operation Desert Storm is launched with a massive air attack. 0500 Allied forces drop over 18,000 tonnes of bombs in waves of attacks. 0630 The Pentagon claims more than 100 Iraqi airbases knocked out. 1100 Pentagon reports the loss of a US F-18 attack jet and a British Tornado. 1100 Iraq shells hit Saudi oil refinery 1300 British tanks move across the Saudi desert towards Kuwaiti border. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 24 Jan 22:04/08   18 JANUARY  SUMMARY 2/8 2400 Seven Iraqi Scud missiles hit Israel. Another destroyed over Dhahran. 0900 Seven Allied aircraft reported missing in action so far by US command. 1200 US reports start of sea operations and six Iraqi Scud launchers destroyed. 1300 Allies target 30,000 elite Republican Guards and tanks in Iraq. Baghdad suffers massive air attack. 1400 UK calls up air force reservists. 1600 Israel says it retains the right to retaliate against Iraq. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 24 Jan 22:04/19   19 JANUARY  SUMMARY 3/8 0530 Three Scud missiles land in Tel Aviv, causing injuries but no deaths. 1000 RAF Tornado reconnaisance aircraft identifies and attacks Scud launcher. 1400 US takes 12 Iraqi soldiers prisoner after attack on oil platforms. 1430 US says 4,000 Allied sorties carried out. 10 Iraqi planes shot down, with 10 Allied aircraft lost. 1730 Israel deploys US Patriot missiles 1830 Israel said to have told US it will not retaliate for second attack. 101 - GULF WAR LATEST HEADLINES Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 24 Jan 22:09/16   20 JANUARY  SUMMARY 4/8 1340 Aircraft pound Iraqi positions in Iraq and Kuwait. 1530 US says 15 Allied planes lost, including three RAF Tornados. 1535 Air strikes have put Iraq's nuclear reactors out of action for years to come, US says. 1710 Saddam says "only fraction" of Iraqi arsenal has been used. 1855 First of three Iraqi missile attacks on Saudi Arabia. 10 Scuds destroyed by US Patriot missiles. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 24 Jan 22:52/37   21 JANUARY  SUMMARY 5/8 1000 Iraq says 20 Allied prisoners of war moved to "strategic sites". 1200 Defence Secretary Tom King says 10 more Iraqi Scud launchers found. 1500 US military spokesman says more fixed and mobile Scud missile launchers still to be found and destroyed. 1800 Saddam rejects peace plan put forward by President Gorbachev. 1800 Iraqi Scud missile misses Dhahran. 1830 UK military sources say Iraqi airfields still in operation. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 24 Jan 22:51/48   22 JANUARY  SUMMARY 6/8 0010 US Navy pilot rescued from Iraq. 0045 First of three Iraqi attacks on Saudi Arabia. US Patriots destroy three Scud missiles. Three more do no harm. 0830 US says Iraq has set fire to Kuwaiti oilfields at Wafra. 1430 A fourth RAF Tornado reported lost 1450 Four Patriot missiles launched from Dhahran intercept Iraqi missiles. 1930 One Iraqi Scud missile hits Tel Aviv - three die, 98 injured. Two others destroyed by US Patriot missiles 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 24 Jan 21:53/15   23 JANUARY  SUMMARY 7/8 0300 US Marine gunners fire the first Allied artillery barrage at Iraq. 1450 British Jaguar jets bomb Iraqi positions, as cloud cover lifts. 1630 US planes launch two big raids on Iraq from base in southern Turkey. 1300 Iraq reports it has moved captured Allied pilots to strategic sites, to act as "human shield" against attack. 2000 US Patriot missiles intercept Iraqi Scud missiles launched against Israel and Saudi Arabia. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 24 Jan 22:53/26   24 JANUARY  SUMMARY 8/8 0040 President Bush says Desert Storm campaign is right on schedule. 1115 Iraq says only 90 soldiers killed in Allied bombing attacks. 1420 Defence Secretary announces another RAF Tornado lost in action. 1505 Saudi air force shoots down two Iraqi planes carrying Exocets. 1630 Royal Navy takes part in operation against three Iraqi ships. 2100 Announcement that small Kuwaiti island liberated by Allies. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military