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P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 21:04/27       1/22       THE GULF AND OTHER TOP STORIES FROM BBC'S NEWS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS TELETEXT SERVICE CEEFAX             A-Z Index News Menu GulfIndex Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 21:55/18   IRAQI FIGHTER PLANES  SHOT DOWN IN GULF 2/22 Two Iraqi fighters heading for Allied warships in the Gulf have been shot down before coming within missile range A third Iraqi fighter is thought to have loosed off an Exocet missile while still out of range and fled. Earlier, the Saudi military claimed one of its US-made F-15 fighters had shot down two Iraqi aircraft and these are believed to have been the downed planes Reports differ as to what Iraqi planes were involved but they are now thought to have been a combination of Mirage F-1Es and Mig-23s. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Newsreel
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:06/20   ANOTHER TORNADO  LOST IN ACTION 3/22 Defence Secretary Tom King has said another RAF Tornado has been lost in a bombing mission over enemy territory. Both crewmen are missing. Next of kin have been informed. It brings the total number of British Tornados lost in combat to five. Another Tornado crashed soon after take-off duj to a technical fault. Mr King also said that half a squadron of Buccaneer aircraft - about six planes - was being sent to the Gulf. They are equipped with laser equipment to highlight targets for Allied bombers 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 21:06/51   ALLIED FORCES LIBERATE  KUWAITI ISLAND 4/22 Allied forces have liberated a Kuwaiti island used as a naval base by Iraq. Twenty-nine Iraqis were taken prisoner when the forces took Qarawah after a naval engagement in which three Iraqi vessels were sunk. Allied ships and aircraft including a Lynx helicopter from HMS Cardiff attacked and sunk three Iraqi naval vessels. Three Iraqis were killed in the naval battle and 22 others were picked up from the sea after their ships sank. 101 War headlinjs 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Newsreel
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:07/22   IRAQI AMBASSADOR TO  LEAVE SOON 5/22 Iraq's ambassador to Britain will leave the country "very shortly", Prime Minister John Major has told MPs. Ambassador Dr Azmi Shafiq al-Salihi had told Britain his normal ambassadorial tour of duty would end soon. Dr Salihi's departure will leave just three diplomats at the Iraqi embassy, which may be further cut, said Mr Major Iraq's affairs will now be handled by Zuhair Ibrahim, as charge d'affaires. Britain has not yet agreed to allow a new ambassador to be appointed. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 21:57/03   ANGLO-FRENCH TALKS ON  MIDDLE EAST FUTURE 6/22 Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd has met his French counterpart Roland Dumas in Paris to discuss the future of the Middle East after the Gulf war. Britain and France had made substantial contributions to the war, he said. But it was up to countries like Germany and Japan, whose constitutions stopped them from sending troops, to make more substantial financial contributions. Security and the Arab-Israeli conflict were issues to be resolved; but the UK did not intend to have occupying troops in the area after the war, Mr Hurd said 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Newsreel
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:08/24   US SAYS ATTACKS ON CRACK  TROOPS SUCCESSFUL 7/22 The US defence depatment has said that Allied attacks on Iraq's elite Rjpublican Guard have been successful. Marine Major General Martin Brandtner said that the bombing raids on the Republican Guards had been successful, but would supply no details. He added that improving weather was allowing the Allies' warplanes to "re-strike" targets hit previously. Navy Captain David Herrington said the Allies had not yet completely cut communications between Iraqi military leaders and their forces in Kuwait. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 21:58/07   WHITE HOUSE WARNS  OF LENGTHY WAR 8/22 White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater has warned that the Gulf war is likely to last for months. He added that the American people should brace themselves for days when Iraqi forces scored victories over the Allies. Mr Fitzwater said President Bush and Defence Secretary Dick Cheney were concerned that people expected a quick end to the conflict. They wanted people to be able to accept "reverses and surges" while remaining confident of ultimate victory. 101 War headlinjs 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Profile
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 21:08/37   MAJOR SAYS LAND BATTLE  WILL TAKE PLACE 9/22 The Prime Minister has said that he expects a land battle will be needed in the Gulf war. But John Major, addressing the 1922 Committee of Tory backbenchers, said it would not take place until Iraqi forces were sufficiently weakened to minimisj Allied casualties. An assessment of the first few days of the Allied campaign suggested that it was going according to plan. But he stressed that it was impossible to say when the war would end, and it would be at least "quite a few weeks". 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 21:49/18   GENSCHER HOLDS SOLIDARITY  TALKS IN ISRAEL 10/22 German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher has held talks in Tel Aviv with his Israeli counterpart David Levy On his arrival, he faced demonstrations over the alleged role of some German firms in developing Iraqi weapons. Mr Genscher's visit comes a day after Chancellor Kohl promised Israel $166m in humanitarian aid following Iraq's Scud missile attacks. Meanwhile, President Mitterrand has sent a personal envoy to Israel to express France's "sympathy and solidarity". 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Newsreel
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 21:19/00   THIRTY IRAQIS IN UK  "MEMBERS OF FORCES" 11/22 The Home Office says 33 Iraqis detained in Britain are believed to be members of the Iraqi armed forces. They are said to have come here to study at a variety of colleges. All 33 have now been transferred to Ministry of Defence custody. Since September, the Home Office has taken action against 162 Iraqis and 12 other nationals. More than 70 are no longer in Britain and 56 are detained under the Immigration Act. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:10/20   RED CROSS UNABLE TO  VISIT PoWS IN IRAQ 12/22 The International Committee of the Red Cross has said it has been unable to gain access to any of the Allied prisoners of war being held by Iraq. A spokesman in Geneva said efforts to visit the men had continued for a week without success. Meanwhile, ICRC officials have visited detainees in British prisons, including two Iraqi prisoners of war and 61 civilians. A spokesman said Britain was complying with the Geneva Convention. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:10/31   BANKS MAY LOSE AS COUNCIL  DEALS JUDGED ILLEGAL 13/22 All money market deals by local authorities involving interest rate swap transactions are illegal, the House of Lords has ruled. Banks involved in the deals could lose up to £600 million as a result of the unanimous decision of five Law Lords. They were giving judgement in the appeal over the multi-million pound transactions of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. More than 70 other local authorities are thought to have engaged in similar deals. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch GulfIndex Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:11/23   JOBLESS RISE SET TO  ACCELERATE - SURVEY 14/22 The rise in unemployment is set to accelerate as the recession deepens, according to a business survey. "Business prospects are very worrying, especially as far as employment is concerned," said Miles Middleton, president of the British Chambers of Commerce, which produced the study. There was now no justification for saying high interest rates were needed to combat inflation, the BCC said. The quarterly survey of BCC members is the largest business survey conducted in Britain. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News Newswatch Politics Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:11/17    IN BRIEF 15/22 JOBS The SR Gent clothing factory in Doncaster is to close with the loss of 200 jobs. Sixty jobs are to go at the Peter Black shoe factory in West Yorkshire. And Bluj Circle is to shed 135 jobs in West Sussex. MUSLIMS The president of Britain's Council of Mosques, Sher Azam, is to retire after three years in the job. His successor will be chosen in a secret ballot on Sunday. HOUSING A £25 million programme has been announced to enable 500 cerebral palsy victims in England to live in the community in purpose-built housing. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military GulfIndex Newswatch Politics Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:12/27   BRITAIN TO SEND  MORE PLANES 16/22 Britain is to send half a squadron of Buccaneer strike aircraft to the Gulf, the Defence Secretary has announced. Tom King said that their deployment would enhance the accuracy of other British aircraft in the theatre. The 30-year-old planes are equipped with sophisticated laser target designation equipment. Their role will be to fly bombing missions alongside Tornados and Jaguar aircraft. Using laser designator pods, they will "illuminate" the targets for the delivery of laser-guided bombs. 101 War Headlines 130 Gulf military Next News GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:03/28   US MARINES MOUNT  EXERCISES IN 17/22 US forces are mounting exercises in the Gulf ready for a seaborne invasion of Iraq or Kuwait, a US forces spokesman has said. Lt Colonel Greg Pepin said part of the force began with an amphibious exercise in the Gulf yesterday to give training in amphibious support skills. He said a landing of this magnitude would be the US Marines'largest since the 1950 Inchon landing in South Korea. The Inchon landing was a battle widely credited with turning the tide of the Korean War. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News GulfIndex Headlines Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:53/30   FRENCH BOMBING  INSIDE IRAQ 18/22 French Jaguar bombers have carried out their first raids inside Iraq since the beginning of the Gulf war. The planes, which until now have only attacked Iraqi targets in Kuwait, bombed mechanised units of the elite Rjpublican Guard in southern Iraq. The bombing mission coincided with one against Iraqi artillery in Kuwait, said a French military spokesman. Meanwhile, Canadian jets have taken part in their first mission, flying ahead of fighter-bombers to tie up Iraqi aircraft. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:13/12   SADDAM "VISITS  TROOPS" 19/22 President Saddam Hussein visited his troops in Kuwait yesterday, the Iraqi news agency has reported. He was given a report on the military situation on the "southern front" and told that US-led forces in Saudi Arabia were afraid of a ground war. The enemy was avoiding "any serious contact" and was bombing Iraq for the benefit of public opinion, he was told. The report also said that "only" 90 members of Iraq's armed forces had been killed in the bombing up to Tuesday. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News GulfIndex Headlines Latest
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:14/13   IRAQ SAYS AERIAL  TARGETS SHOT 20/22 An Iraqi military communique broadcast on Baghdad Radio has said that three Allied missiles and aircraft have been shot down during the day. The communique said the three "aerial targets" were shot down during a total of 10 Allied air raids on various parts of the country. It added that it was known that 20 aircraft had flown from Israel to Saudi territory, and accused the Saudis of plotting with Israel against Iraq. But it said the Iraqis would not be undermined by any such "intrigues". 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:04/55   IRAQIS DESERT  -US SAYS 21/22 Food is running short and spirits are low among Iraq's frontline troops, a US military spokesman has said. Lieutenant Colonel Mike Gallagher said about 40 Iraqis had deserted to Saudi Arabia since the war started. They were mostly low-ranking, enlisted men but also a couple of junior officers. He said their primary reason for deserting was low morale and a lack of food. He added "apparently their living conditions are quite appalling". The men are being held by US forces in the frontline until they can be moved. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P198 CEEFAX 198 Thu 24 Jan 22:05/16   USSR ADVISERS  "NOT IN IRAQ 22/22 The USSR has denied a British report that Soviet military advisers are still in Iraq helping to operate sophisticated Soviet-made equipment. Soviet defence ministry spokesman Valery Myasnikov said the last Soviet military adviser left Iraq on 9 January Caroline Kennedy, a Soviet specialist at Aberystwyth University, said on BBC Radio that up to 100 Soviet advisers had stayed on in Iraq. Downing Street sources said they were aware of the Soviet advisers, but "were not worried about them". 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Next News GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel