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P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 7 Feb 21:50/44   16-21 JANUARY  SUMMARY 1/6 2200 16 JANUARY Operation Desert Storm launched with a massive air attack. 0001 18 JANUARY Seven Scud missiles hit Israel. One destroyed over Dhahran. 1730 19 JANUARY Israel deploys US Patriot missiles after second attack. 1710 20 JANUARY Saddam says "only fraction" of Iraqi arsenal used. 1000 21 JANUARY Iraq says 20 Allied PoWs moved to "strategic sites". 1830 21 JANUARY UK military sources say Iraqi airfields still in operation. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 7 Feb 21:03/54   21-26 JANUARY  SUMMARY 2/6 1930 22 JANUARY One Iraqi Scud missile hits Tel Aviv - three die, 98 injured. 1505 24 JANUARY Saudi air force shoots down two Iraqi planes carrying Exocets. 1605 25 JANUARY New Iraqi Scud attacks on Israel and Saudi Arabia; one person killed in each. 1755 25 JANUARY US accuses Iraq of pumping oil into Gulf, causing environmental damage 1030 26 JANUARY Seven Iraqi planes reported to have landed in Iran. Number later said to havj risen to ovjr 100. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 7 Feb 21:01/57   27-31 JANUARY  SUMMARY 3/6 1710 27 JANUARY US reports attack on source of oil leak - believed success. 1827 29 JANUARY Allied planes destroy 24 armoured vehicles near Saudi border. 1045 30 JANUARY Iraqi troops occupy Khafji after first ground attack; 11 US marines died in first ground battle. 1210 31 JANUARY Saudi Arabia says its forces have recaptured town of Khafji. 1936 31 JANUARY US says up to 1,000 Iraqi military vehicles moving towards Saudi border. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 7 Feb 21:5:/42   1-5 FEBRUARY  SUMMARY 4/6 0130 1 FEBRUARY Saudi Arabia says over 400 Iraqis captured/30 killed at Khafji 1835 2 FEBRUARY Further Scud attacks on Israel and Saudi Arabia. 1630 3 FEBRUARY US B-52 bomber crashed in Indian Ocean after Gulf sortie. 0830 4 FEBRUARY Iranian president launches Gulf peace initiative. 0835 5 FEBRUARY Iraqi oil ministry stops supply of fuel to the public. 1640 Bush says he is to send Cheney and Powell to Saudi Arabia soon. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 7 Feb 21:55/44   6 FEBRUARY  SUMMARY 5/6 1125 Syrian foreign minister arrives in London for talks. 1245 French forces commander says power of Rjpublican Guard reduced by 30%. 1500 UK spokesman says RAF destroyed another Scud launcher and four bridges. 1610 US spokesman says two Iraqi planes fleeing to Iran have been shot down, two more are possible hits. 1710 Baghdad radio says Iraq has cut diplomatic ties with US, Britain, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 7 Feb 21:52/08   7 FEBRUARY  SUMMARY 6/6 0745 US official shot dead in Turkey. 0845 US military says battleship USS Wisconsin has entered action in Gulf. 1500 UK commander Sir Peter de la Billiere says a ground war is inevitable. 1630 US spokesman says two Iraqi planes fleeing to Iran have been shot down, a US plane and helicopter have been lost. 1725 US Secretary of State James Baker proposes new bank for reconstruction of Gulf after the war. 101 War headlines 130 Gulf military