This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 7th February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 591
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P591 CEEFAX 591 Thu 7 Feb 21:57/56 Cairngorm Summit Weather Station 1/7 Physics Dept. Heriot-Watt University TIMEWINDSPEEDMPHWINDTEMP Mean Gust DIRECTION DEG.C 1318 42 48 113 -8.8 1348 47 52 111 -9.1 1418 42 47 115 -8.6 1448 46 52 114 -9.2 1518 43 50 111 -9.2 1548 42 47 114 -9.0 FORECAST FOR FRI: Rather cloudy with frequent snow showers, heavy at times. Wind east strong. Freezing all levels. ACCESS ROADS: OPEN. Key: open opening closed closing Europe Ski-ing GulfIndex Weather
P591 CEEFAX 591 Thu 7 Feb 21:51/11 Cairngorm Ski Area 2/7 CONDITIONS: Snow level: 2000 ft Vertical runs: 1500 ft RUNSUpper: COMPL.SOME FRESH SNOW.H/BASE ICYMiddle: FRESH SNOW HARD BASE ICY PATCHSLower: SOME FRESH SNOW.HARD BASE ICY PATCHES.AMPLE NURSERY. CHAIRLIFTS: Car Park White Lady Coire na Ciste West Wall TOWS: Link Fiacaill Ptarmigan Coire Cas Coire na Ciste Aonach West wall Car Park White Lady Fiacaill Ridge M1 Shieling Day Lodge Europe Ski-ing GulfIndex Weather
P591 CEEFAX 591 Thu 7 Feb 21:58/45 Glenshee Ski Area 3/7 FORECAST FOR THU: Rather cloudy. Snow showers becoming more frequent. Frz at all levels. Strong to gale E to SE windCONDITIONS: Snow level: 1500ft Vertical runs: 1500ft RUNSUpper: COMPLETE.NEW SNOW ON HARD BASE. Lower: ALL COMPLETE. NEW SNOW ON A HARD BASE,ICY IN PLACES.AMPLE NURSERY AREAS.ACCESS ROADS: OPEN,SLIGHT SNOW. CHAIRLIFTS: Cairnwell Sunnyslope All forecasts from the Met. Office Europe Ski-ing GulfIndex Weather
P591 CEEFAX 591 Thu 7 Feb 22:01/01 Glenshee Ski Area 4/7 Tows: Tiger Sunnyslope 1 Claybokie Sunnyslope 2 Trainjr Cluny 1 Cairnwell Cluny 2 Carn Aosda Tom Dearg Butchart's coire Meall Odhar T/bar Plastic slope Meall Odhar poma Butchart's access Coire Fionn 1 Ski school Coire Fionn 2 Caenlochan Beag Grianan Glas Maol Key to chairlifts and tows; open opening closed closing All forecasts from the Met. Office Europe Ski-ing GulfIndex Weather
P591 CEEFAX 591 Thu 7 Feb 21:01/47 Glencoe Ski Area 5/7 FORECAST FOR FRI: Bright intervals and scattered snow showers. Wind E strong to gale. Freezing at all levels. CONDITIONS: Snow level: 1500ft Vertical runs: 2300ft RUNS: Upper: COMPL.NEW SNOW.H/PCKED ICYLower: COMPL.HARD/ICY PATCHES NEW SNOW CHAIRLIFTS: Access Cliffhanger TOWS: Upper (2) Plateau Low ACCESS ROADS: OPEN Europe Ski-ing GulfIndex Weather
P591 CEEFAX 591 Thu 7 Feb 21:02/02 Lecht Ski Area 6/7 FORECAST FOR FRI: Mainly cloudy with frequent snow showers heavy at times. Wind E strong. Freezing at all levels. CONDITIONS: Snow level: 2000ft Vertical runs: 700 ft RUNSMain: MOST COMPLETE NEW SNOW DRIFTING Beginner: AMPLE NEW SNOW DRIFTING TOWS: Harrier Eagle Kestrel Falcon Robin Petrel Buzzard Wren Bunting Grouse Osprey ACCESS ROADS: OPEN SLIGHT SNOW All forecasts from the Met. Office Europe Ski-ing GulfIndex Weather
P591 CEEFAX 591 Thu 7 Feb 21:01/20 Nevis Range Fort William 7/7 FORECAST FOR Fri: Bright intervals and scattered snow showers wind east strong to gale Freezing at all levels CONDITIONS: Snow level: 2000 ft Vertical runs: 2000 ft RUNS Main: Complete with wide cover. Icy. Beginner: Complete & wide. Icy. LIFTS: Gondola Snowgoose Chair TOWS: Alpha Snowgoose Summit Linnhe Laggan ACCESS ROADS: open All forecasts from the Met. Office Europe Ski-ing GulfIndex Weather