This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 21st February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 120
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P120 CEEFAX 120 Thu 21 Feb 21:59/38 1/3 A committee of MPs has said the Commons was "seriously misled" over the sale of Rover car group to British Aerospace. The Trade and Industry Select Committeestrongly criticised the Department of Trade and Industry and the former TradeSecretary Lord Young. It "deplored attempts" to conceal vitalfacts about the sale. After the sell-off in July 1988, it wasrevealed the Government had paid £38m in "sweetners" to BAe. The European Commission later ordered £44.4m of illegal state aid to be repaid by BAe. 114Lord Young defends his actions GulfIndex Newswatch LordYoung Newsreel
P120 CEEFAX 120 Thu 21 Feb 21:43/53 2/3 Former trade secretary Lord Young has come in for special criticism from a committee of MPs investigating the Rover sell-off to British Aerospace. The Trade and Industry Select Committeesaid he was wrong to suggest facts about "sweeteners" to BAe should be kept from Parliament and the European Commission when the deal was announced.The Committee said it was "unfortunate"that a Secretary of State wrote to a chairman of a large public company suggesting options for keeping information from the two bodies. 114Lord Young defends his actions GulfIndex Newswatch LordYoung Newsreel
P120 CEEFAX 120 Thu 21 Feb 21:59/05 3/3 A Committee of MPs investigating the Rover group sell-off has said it is still concerned the inquiry may not have been given the full documents. The Trade and Industry Select Committeehas deplored the action of the DTI for repeatedly failing to provide them. It concluded the Rover sale to BAe may well have been "the best solution within the context of the Government's privatisation policies". But the Committee attacked the "unprofessional" Government practices involved in the sell-off. 114Lord Young defends his actions GulfIndex Newswatch LordYoung Newsreel