This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 21st February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 139
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 21 Feb 21:53/58 16-25 JANUARY SUMMARY 1/5 16 JANUARY Operation Desert Storm launched with a massive air attack. 18 JANUARY Scud missiles hit Israel. 19 JANUARY Israel deploys US Patriot anti-missile system. 21 JANUARY Iraq says it has moved PoWs to "strategic sites". 22 JANUARY Three die in Iraqi missile attack on Israel. 25 JANUARY US accuses Iraq of pumping oil into Gulf. Iraq blames it on US bombing of tankers. 101War Headlines 130Gulf War Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 21 Feb 21:45/14 26 JAN-1 FEB SUMMARY 2/5 26 JANUARY First Iraqi planes reported to have flown to Iran. 27 JANUARY US planes destroy source of Gulf oil leak. 29 JANUARY Iraq says PoW killed during Allied air raid on government building.29 JANUARY Allied planes destroy 24 armoured vehicles in open near border. 30 JANUARY Iraqi troops capture Saudi town of Khafji. 1 FEBRUARY Saudi and Omani troops recapture Khafji with US air support. 101War Headlines 130Gulf War Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 21 Feb 21:53/43 4-11 FEBRUARY SUMMARY 3/5 4 FEBRUARY Iran's President Rafsanjani puts forward a "peace idea" to Iraq. 7 FEBRUARY Baghdad announces severance of diplomatic relations with Allies. 8 FEBRUARY US defence chiefs arrive in Saudi Arabia to evaluate air attacks. 9 FEBRUARY Kuwait announces £660m aid to Britain for war costs. 9 FEBRUARY US B-52 bombers make first sorties against Iraq from Britain. 11 FEBRUARY President Bush says air war will continuj for a while. 101War Headlines 130Gulf War Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 21 Feb 21:56/46 13-18 FEBRUARY SUMMARY 4/5 13 FEBRUARY Iraq says hundreds killed in Allied raid on air shelter. 13 FEBRUARY US says Baghdad shelter was a military command and control bunker. 15 FEBRUARY Iraq offers to withdraw from Kuwait but attaches conditions. 15 FEBRUARY President Bush dismisses Iraqi offer as a "cruel hoax". 17 FEBRUARY RAF confirms that a bomb veered off and hit town of Fallujah. 18 FEBRUARY Gorbachev puts peace plan to Iraqis; US says war goes on. 101War Headlines 130Gulf War Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel
P139 CEEFAX 139 Thu 21 Feb 21:55/47 19-21 FEBRUARY SUMMARY 5/5 19 FEBRUARY Bush says Gorbachev plan "falls well short" of US requirements. 10 FEBRUARY Iran kayp Iraq is on vovget pe ce piag uS ia nn ohai inna ly. l d . 20 FE RUaR, US halns thar ones roy l coapi annk rs, 00 deaand uill do.. 21 FEBRUARY PS helino Sadd d sells Iraq bhn mos, 4 of baqisesuwiln br. S l 22 F "RhA m thaq f baignes nisl b Tar v Aziz and aresidomt G nbach v moncion 101War Headlines 130Gulf War Latest GulfIndex Headlines Newsreel