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P637 CEEFAX 637 Thu 21 Feb 21:54/18  GARDENERS'  QUESTION  TIME 1/6 How to get mistletoe to grow on an apple tree As mistletoe is semi-parasitic it will weaken the tree in time, so use an old tree which does not crop. Rather than grafting, use berries from a local strain of British mistletoe off another apple tree. You need ripe, soft and squashy berries taken in February. Slit bark of apple tree and push seeds underneath, covering with Middlesex clay, or local soil to seal. Should germinate in two to three months. It will be three or four years before berries form.  Next Page Radio GulfIndex TV/Radio
P637 CEEFAX 637 Thu 21 Feb 21:40/44  GARDENERS'  QUESTION  TIME 2/6 Pot plant gifts for Easter: Gilded rosemary - rosemarinus officinalis aureus Scented rhododendrons Easter Cactus Teddy Bear Plant Trees to withstand winds: Wellingtonia - Seqoiadendron giganteum Pines Deciduous trees with small leaves, such as silver birch, mountain ash, larch hawthorn Acers 600 TV 631 Radio 1 633 Radio 3 630 Radio 632 Radio 2 635 Radio 5 Next Page Radio GulfIndex TV/Radio
P637 CEEFAX 637 Thu 21 Feb 21:41/12  GARDENERS'  QUESTION  TIME 3/6 New classes for show benches in autumn: Tricyritis - Toad lily; Red Hot Poker - Percy's Pride; Japanese Anenome. These are autumn flowering plants. Planted decorative bulbs; potted box, bay to make topiary; potted plants; potted herbs; cut herbs; decorative vegetables, such as yellow or white beetroot, for ornamental vegetable stand; best planted winter hanging basket. Visit the Royal Horticultural Society's Autumn Show for ideas. 600 Index 602 BBC2 650 TV Flash 601 BBC1 630 Radio 660 Regions Next Page Radio GulfIndex TV/Radio
P637 CEEFAX 637 Thu 21 Feb 21:54/27  GARDENERS'  QUESTION  TIME 4/6 Newspaper in the compost heap Put through shredder then soak in a bucket of water. Mix with lawn cuttings and other garden refuse, using about 10% paper. This will act as a moisure retainer but has little nutritious content. The Electricty Council is now known as: Electricity Association, National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire CV8 2LS. 600 TV 631 Radio 1 633 Radio 3 630 Radio 632 Radio 2 635 Radio 5 Next Page Radio GulfIndex TV/Radio
P637 CEEFAX 637 Thu 21 Feb 21:55/20  GARDENERS'  QUESTION  TIME 5/6  Topical Tips: To prevent peach leaf curl on peach and ornamental almond trees, spray leaves before they open with a liquid copper fungicide or Bordeaux mixture. Plant lily bulbs in pots as soon as received - one bulb per 8" pot, three per 15" pot. Most lilies prefer lime-free compost, but add grit for drainage. Keep on dry side until shoots appear abovj top of pot. Plant anemone tubers now for flowers in the summer. Recommended: St Piran. 600 TV 631 Radio 1 633 Radio 3 630 Radio 632 Radio 2 635 Radio 5 Next Page Radio GulfIndex TV/Radio
P637 CEEFAX 637 Thu 21 Feb 21:45/21  GARDENERS'  QUESTION  TIME 6/6  MORE SUCCESSFUL GARDENING CASSETTE If you are looking for the ideal gift for a keen gardener, the Gardeners' Question Time cassette, More Successful Gardening, is just the thing. The regular team members discuss the most popular, and sometimes most troublesome, topics that crop up throughout the year. The cassette costs £3.75 (inc postage and packing) from: GQT, BBC, PO Box 27, Manchester M60 1SJ. Make cheques and postal orders payable to Gardeners' Question Time. 630 Radio 633 Radio 3 634 Radio 4 Next Page Radio GulfIndex TV/Radio