This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:
Date: 28th February 1991
Service: CEEFAX
Region: N/A
Original Broadcast Channel: BBC1
Current Page: 142
Note: If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!
P142 CEEFAX 142 Thu 28 Feb 22:17/35 IRAQ-KUWAIT RELATIONS 1/3 Saddam Hussein found himself increasingly unpopular in 1990. The downfall of Nicolai Ceaucescu in Romania in 1989 had reportedly strengthened his resolve to retain power amid the stirrings of unrest. Iraq's oil revjnues dwindled as oil prices remained below their OPEC targetin early 1990 - largely due to Kuwait and the UAE not observing their quotas.In July Saddam accused Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates of undermining Iraq's economy by over-producing oil, depressing prices. 101Headlines 140Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P142 CEEFAX 142 Thu 28 Feb 22:15/44 IRAQ-KUWAIT DISPUTE 2/3 Saddam, seeking a way out of Iraq's economic plight, saw the prospect of being hailed as liberator of Iraqi land if he took control of the small emirateSince Iraq was created after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the existence of Kuwait as a separate country had irked some Iraqis. Saddam revived Iraq's claim to Kuwait -last made in 1961 following Kuwait's independence - being part of Iraq. His real aims were believed to be control of the Rumailah oilfield and two strategic Kuwaiti Gulf islands. 101Headlines 140Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P142 CEEFAX 142 Thu 28 Feb 22:2:/54 IRAQ-KUWAIT DISPUTE 3/3 Immediately following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Saddam invoked radical Arab rhetoric about the present Arab bordersThe tiny Gulf oil states were artificially created by colonialists tocontrol the region's oil, said Saddam. Kuwait was doubly so because the al- Sabahs - who had run the province since1891, first for the Turks and then the British - were Western clients, he saidThe "oil emirs" of the Gulf countries ran their states for Western benefit in return for Western protection and were not true Arabs, he proclaimed. 101Headlines 140Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews