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P143 CEEFAX 143 Thu 28 Feb 22:23/10   INSIDE OCCUPIED  KUWAIT 1/3 Once Saddam Hussein ordered his troops inside Kuwait, the emirate swiftly fell to his superior forces. Kuwait's royal family fled to Saudi Arabia in the early hours of 2 August, along with other Kuwaitis able to do so Iraq was quick to stop international news coverage emerging, but a steady flow of refugees began to leave Kuwait. After the US announced troop deployment in the Gulf on 3 August, and the UN imposed a total trade embargo on Iraq on 6 August, Iraq moved to annexe Kuwait outright on 8 August. 101 Headlines 140 Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P143 CEEFAX 143 Thu 28 Feb 22:19/55   INSIDE OCCUPIED  KUWAIT 2/3 As the multinational build-up of armies continued in Saudi Arabia, thousands fled Kuwait through Iraq into Jordan. Many of them were workers from Third World nations, fleeing in fear of an invasion from Saudi territory. Ovjr 100,000 people passed through the Iraq-Jordan border by 18 August, having to stay in temporary desert camps, enduring appalling conditions. Western expatriate workers could not leave Kuwait or Iraq, having been ordered on 16 August to report to hotels as part of Iraq's "human shield" 101 Headlines 140 Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews
P143 CEEFAX 143 Thu 28 Feb 22:27/40   INSIDE OCCUPIED  KUWAIT 3/3 Having annexed Kuwait, Iraq ordered all embassies to transfer to Baghdad. On 24 August Iraqi tanks surrounded embassies remaining open, including those of Britain and the United States. Reports filtering out of Kuwait spoke of wholesale looting and dismantling of infrastructure, to be taken to Iraq. Widespread repression was reported, as Iraqi commanders realised they were unwelcome, and faced some resistance. Normal life in Kuwait was suspended, as people sheltered inside their homes. 101 Headlines 140 Gulf Plus Index Next News News Plus GulfIndex WorldNews