Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P520 CEEFAX 520 Thu 21 Mar 21:00/14    LATEST 1/2  P & O EUROPEAN FERRIES CAIRNRYAN A revisjd schedule operates until 25 March as follows: Cairnryan-Larne Larne-Cairnryan 0400 0800 1130 1530 1930 2330 Larne information: 0574 74 321 Cairnryan information: 05812 276 501 Headlines 510 Roads Latest 521 Europe Roads 530 Rail/Coach Continent More Cont Latest Weather
P520 CEEFAX 520 Thu 21 Mar 21:57/20    LATEST 2/2 GENERAL INFORMATION Passengers are reminded to observe the scheduled check-in time for all ferry services, and to ensure arrival in good time, as latecomers may not be admitted 501 Headlines 510 Roads Latest 521 Europe Roads 530 Rail/Coach Continent More Cont Latest Weather