Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

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P522 CEEFAX 522 Thu 21 Mar 21:51/12   TRAVEL  INFORMATION 1/4  AUSTRIA weekend Many schools will break up for Easter Holidays this Friday. Traffic is expected to be very heavy on all approaches to the ski-ing centres. Delays are also likely on routes to the CSFR, Hungary and Yugoslavia and at the the borders. 501 Headlines 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 283 Currency (BBC2) Rail/Bus Sea/Europ Latest Roads
P522 CEEFAX 522 Thu 21 Mar 21:07/58   TRAVEL  INFORMATION 2/4  SWEDEN Dipped headlights must be used at all times throughout winter. Seatbelts must be worn, and passengers in cars with rear seat belts fitted, should wear them at all times. The blood alcohol limit is 20 mg/100 ml and is strictly enforced. The emergency number is 90 000. 501 Headlines 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 283 Currency (BBC2) Rail/Bus Sea/Europ Latest Roads
P522 CEEFAX 522 Thu 21 Mar 21:01/26   PETROL PRICES  19 March 3/4  PETROL PRICES: per gallon (average) lead-free 4-star Diesel Austria £ 1.96 £ 2.12 £ 1.81 Belgium £ 2.16 £ 2.40 £ 1.70 Bulgaria £ 2.47 £ 2.55 £ 2.09 CSFR £ 2.26 £ 2.26 £ 1.98 Denmark £ 2.26 £ 2.60 £ 1.87 Finland £ 2.60 £ 2.85 £ 2.13 France £ 2.23 £ 2.43 £ 1.76 Germany £ 1.65 £ 1.87 £ 1.64 Greece £ 1.92 £ 2.06 £ 0.99 Hungary £ 1.73 £ 1.81 £ 1.22 Ireland £ 2.47 £ 2.57 £ 2.37 Italy £ 3.19 £ 3.29 £ 2.41 501 Headlines 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 283 Currency (BBC2) Rail/Bus Sea/Europ Latest Roads
P522 CEEFAX 522 Thu 21 Mar 21:56/06   PETROL PRICES  19 March 4/4  PETROL PRICES: per gallon (average) lead-free 4-star Diesel Luxembourg £ 1.52 £ 1.70 £ 1.24 Netherlands £ 2.32 £ 2.42 £ 1.43 Norway £ 2.72 £ 2.98 £ 1.45 Poland £ 1.22 £ 1.10 £ 0.68 Portugal £ 2.64 £ 2.85 £ 2.04 Rumania £ 2.15 £ 2.15 £ 1.76 Spain £ 2.15 £ 2.24 £ 1.84 Sweden £ 2.72 £ 2.86 £ 2.51 Switzerland £ 1.82 £ 1.94 £ 2.06 Turkey £ 1.93 £ 1.73 £ 1.30 USSR n/a £ 1.93 £ 1.70 Yugoslavia £ 1.94 £ 1.95 £ 1.59 501 Headlines 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 283 Currency (BBC2) Rail/Bus Sea/Europ Latest Roads