Teletext Recovery Viewer

Part of the Computer Legacy Teletext Recovery Project

This is a static representation of a Teletext stream that meets the following parameters:

Note:If this page has sub-pages, they will all appear in a line!

P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2350:47 MULTI-LANGUAGE TEST PAGE: ENGLISH This rotating page illustrates the use of the C12, C13 and C14 bits in the page header to select displays in English, German and Swedish. Multi-language teletext decoders will respond to these control bits to select the correct character set for a particular page. The facility allows international teletext decoders to be manufactured, reducing the number of variants required. Also in border areas transmissions from adjacent countries can be received. The English character set includes the following special symbols: #—$£@←→↑½¼¾‖÷ C12-14=000 ENGLISH Test page for multi-language decoder IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:52 MULTI-LANGUAGE TEST PAGE: GERMAN Diese Seite zeigt die M‖glichkeit einer mehrsprachenf¼higen Text-Schaltung, die Zeichensatz-bits C12-C14 der Kopfzeile auszuwerten und entsprechenden Text mit den dazugeh‖rigen Zeichen aus dem eng- lischen, deutschen oder schwedischen Zeichensatz darzustellen. Dadurch ist es m‖glich, nationen¾ber- greifende Text-Dekoder aufzubauen. Da÷ dies nicht nur Vorteile f¾r den Hersteller durch Vereinheitlichung der Dekoderherstellung bringt sondern auch bei Textempfang in Grenzn¼he mehr- sprachigen Betrieb erm‖glicht, ist leicht vorstellbar. →brigens werden in Deutschland folgende Sonderzeichen ben‖tigt: #£$←½→¼‖¾÷—@↑ C12-14=001 This page is only displayed correctly if the decoder includes GERMAN symbols. IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:21 MULTI-LANGUAGE TEST PAGE: SWEDISH Denna demonstration visar anv¼ndningen av C12,C13, och C14 bitarna i sidrubriken f‖r att f¾ fram den l¼mpliga texten genom att v¼lja det r¼tta tecknet fr¾n den engelska, tyska och svenska teckenm¼ngden. Denna f‖rm¾ga m‖jligg‖r tillverkning av internationella teletex-avkodare, vilket ¼r till f‖rdel f‖r tillverkarna, eftersom problemen i samband med tillverkning av nationella versioner p¾ detta s¼tt kan hj¼lpas. Den ¼r ocks¾ till nytta vid gr¼nser mellan olika l¼nder,d¼r texter kan mottagas p¾ flera olika spr¾k. #£$←½→¼‖¾÷—@↑ C12-14=010 This page is only displayed correctly if the decoder includes SWEDISH symbols IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2351:44 MULTI-LANGUAGE TEST PAGE: ITALIAN Questa pagina rotante illustra l'uso deibits C12,C13 e C14 nella riga di testa per selezionare in Italiano, Tedesco e Francese. Il decodificatore teletext multilingue risponder¼ a questi bits di controllo per selezionare il corretto carattere di una particulare pagina. Questa caratteristica permette al decodificatore teletext di essere costruito senza cambiare lo specifico circuito integrato e ottenere automaticamente la lingua desiderata. Questo gruppo di caratteri italiani include i seguenti simboli speciali. @←½-¼‖¾÷ ITALIAN Bits=011 Pagina dimostrativa per decodificatore multilingue. IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:17 TEST PAGE FOR EXTENDED LEVEL 1 Alphanumeric Black black Mosaic Graphics Black  D o u b l e W i d t h D o u b l e S i z e Underline Double Height Normal Double IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2352:21 This demonstration page shows the capab-ilities of a broadcast level 2 decoder. It includes non-spacing attributes, row and screen colours and additional flash modes. Level 1 decoders will decode a sensible fall-back for this page. This row contains non-spacing foregroun Double Height, W i d t h and S i z e . T h r e e P h a s e F l a s h . Accented characters - a e i o u A E I O U Supplementary characters IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2357:51This page contains all the supplementarycharacters available at level 2. Codes 4/0, 4/9, 4/12, 5/9, 5/10, 5/11, 6/5 should appear as a flashing DEL. This is the character defined at level 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 * IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2358:15This page contains the primary set char-acters used in an ENGLISH decoder. The National option characters are picked out in yellow. 0 0 @ P p 1 ! 1 A Q a q 2 " 2 B R b r 3 £ 3 C S c s 4 $ 4 D T d t 5 % 5 E U e u 6 & 6 F V f v 7 ' 7 G W g w 8 ( 8 H X h x 9 ) 9 I Y i y 10 * : J Z j z 11 + ; K k ¼ 12 , < L ½ l 13 - = M m ¾ 14 . > N n ÷ 15 / ? O # o ■ IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2358:37This page demonstrates the redefinition of the colour map by using 16 full row colours to display colour map locations 16 to 31. The display should be a grey scale starting with black at the top. IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:01This page demonstrates the redefinition of the colour map by using 16 full row colours to display colour map locations 16 to 31. The display should be red at the top, changing to blue at the bottom. IBA News Test Page What's New City
P693 ORACLE 693 Sun30 Sep C4 2354:21 This page demonstrates the use of X26 to create smooth characters using the smooth mosaic character set.      IBA News Test Page What's New City