Teletext Recovery Viewer

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P180 CEEFAX 180 Fri 3 Dec 16:23/11   1/2  HOME   DIARY  Until tomorrow evening: HOWARD The Home Secretary Michael Howard will urge the National Neighbourhood Watch conference to take a more active role in the fight against crime. WELFARE State Conference opens at TUC Congress. FANS Manchester United supporters arrested before the European Cup match in Turkey will hold a rally at Old Trafford cricket to protest at their treatment.  Home 110 Flash 150 Diary 180 Politics 130 World 160 Despatch 190 Despatch Home News World Main News
P180 CEEFAX 180 Fri 3 Dec 16:23/52   2/2  WORLD   DIARY  Until tomorrow evening: ISRAEL US Secretary of State Warren Christopher in Jerusalem as part of his Middle East tour in support of the peace process. GENEVA EC and Swiss farmers hold a protest outside the Gatt offices to protest at cuts in farm subisidies as part of a world trade agreement. CHINA The World Health Organisation begins vaccinating 100 million children against polio as part of a huge immunisation programme.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Despatch Home News World Main News