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P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:12/28 31/33
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:12/48 . .: .  . . 1/33 .  :. . . . .  . . .  . .   . .: .                                    N E W S &  C U R R E N T  A F F A I R S
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:12/43    PRINCESS OF WALES TO REDUCE ROLE The Princess of Wales is to reduce her role in public life. She told a charity lunch in London that she wanted more "time and space" to give to her private life.   Clearly emotional, she said she had hoped to continue with her work the Prince of Wales.   "However, life and circumstances alter", she continued. She now hoped to focus on a "smaller range" of issues, the Princess added.  Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:12/59    3/33     HOME    MEDIA ATTENTION "HARD TO BEAR" The Princess of Wales has spoken of the effect that media attention has had upon her private life. The Princess said when she started her role in public life 12 years ago she "understood that the media might be interested in what I did." "But I was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become, nor the extent to which it would affect both my public duties and my personal life." See also 111 It had "been hard to bear", the Princess told a charity lunch. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:13/04    4/33     HOME    NURSE TO SUE HEALTH AUTHORITY A nurse who contracted HIV through her job is suing Portsmouth Health Authority for negligence. The woman, who worked at St Mary's Hospital, received a cut while treating a patient dying from an Aids-related illness. The Royal College of Nursing, which is fighting the case on behalf of the woman, is claiming damages of at least £50,000. The legal action is thought to be the first of its kind in Britain.  Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:16/00    5/33     HOME    bJOHNNERS" IN STABLE CONDITION Cricket commentator Brian Johnston is said to be in a stable condition in hospital after suffering a heart attack in a taxi last night. Tj The veteran broadcaster, better treated in St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London. Tj A hospital spokesman said he was being kept in for further tests. Mr Johnston was in a taxi on his way from his home to Paddington station when he was taken ill.  Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:16/14    6/33     HOME    MAN REMANDED FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER A council caretaker accused of the attempted murder of teenager Quaddus Ali has been remanded in custody until Monday. John Stephen Rutter, 21, of Stepney, east London, is charged with trying to murder Mr Ali in Stepney on 8 September.  He was arrested yesterday at a holiday camp in Norfolk. Mr Rutter works for Tower Hamlets borough council. Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:13/12    7/33     HOME    BOMB FOUND NEAR BELFAST SCHOOL More than 750 children in West Belfast have been evacuated from their school as security forces defused a large bomb. The bomb, said by the IRA to weigh 1,100lb, was found in the Bryanswell Road area. The evacuation came after police found a command wire leading across open ground to a large packing case partially buried under a pile of old carpets and furniture. The area was sealed off.  Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:13/24    8/33     HOME    REPORT ISSUED ON "FAILING" SCHOOLS Inspectors have published reports on two schools which "fail" to give an acceptable standard of education They are Crook Primary School, Crook, County Durham, and Brookside Special School, Breadsall, Derby. The schools are the first to be identified as "failing" under a new law which empowers the Government to send in a team to take over a school and ultimately close it. The schools and their local authorities will be given 50 days to draw up a plan for improvement. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:13/23    10/33     HOME    WATCHDOG INQUIRY INTO PENSION CASES An inquiry has been launched into half a million cases where people may have been wrongly advised to take out a personal pension. Watchdogs fear the people affected, who were persuaded to leave their employer's pension scheme, may now be worse off when they retire. A full report is expected from the Securities and Investments Board in the next few weeks. The firms and advisers who provided and sold the pensions could have to pay compensation to those affected. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:13/39    11/33     P/LITICS    "SOME PROGRESS" IN ULSTER TALKS Some progress has been made in  talks between John Major and Irish premier Albert Reynolds on the future of Ulster, both sides say. They have been meeting face-to-face without officials being present. A BBC correspondent says that Mr Reynolds began by showing disquiet about the Govjrnment's version of its contacts with Sinn Fein. Aides said Mr Reynolds had used "very straight talking" in asking Mr Major about the contacts.  Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:13/44    12/33     POLITICS    PAISLEY PROTESTS AGAINST TALKS Ian Paisley has handed in a letter of protest against the the talks between John Major and Albert Reynolds in Dublin. The Democratic Unionist leader also warned of bloodshed if there was an attempt to draw Northern Ireland into a united Ireland. At one stage a Sinn Fein councilloz stepped forward to shake hands with him and welcome him to Dublin. But Mr Paisley said that if he had known the man was Sinn Fein, he would not have shaken his hand. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:13/48   13/33     POLITICS  "RISKS NEEDED" FOR ULSTER PEACE Risks had to be taken to bring peace to Northern Ireland, Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd has said. "Flexibility had to be shown," he told BBC radio before flying to Dublin with the Prime Minister. "We have to continue with this effort because the drawbacks of the communities in Northern Ireland are self-evident and are multiplying." Mr Hurd had 30 minutes of talks with Irish counterpart Dick Spring in Brussels late last night.  Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:16/44    14/33     POLITICS    LONDON UNDERGROUND "SELL-OFF TALKS" The Government is holding talks on privatising London Underground, the Evening Standard has reported. Transport Minister Steven Norris described the plan as "pure common sense", the paper added. But Shadow Transport Secretary and Shadow Minister for London Frank Dobson has condemned the talks. He said "real people who have to travel to work by tube" want to see their money invested in "getting the system safe and sound", not talks on privatisation. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:16/54     POLITICS    PATTEN CONCERN OVER FAILED SCHOOLS The Education Secretary has expressed "very serious concern" about the first two schools to haveTj failed new educations standards. The schools and the Local Education Authorities have been asked to produce an action plan saying how they will put things right. See 117 John Patten said: "All our pupils deserve nothing less than an acceptable standard of education." "I will look very closely at the action plans when I receive them in the New Year," he added. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:14/04    16/33     POLITICS    POLICE DROP DEREK HATTON PROBE Former deputy Liverpool City Council leader Derek hatton is no longer under police investigation. Tj A meeting between Merseyside police is expected to take place shortly to formally decide on the matter. Earlier this year Mr Hatton and four others were cleared of fraud. He was being investigated as part of an operation which police say is still continuing, but Mr Hatton is not part of that inquiry.  Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:16/09    17/33     POLITICS    LOCAL GOVERNMENT SPENDING FEARS New local government spjnding plans will lead to cuts in services like home helps and meals on wheels, Labour has said. in council tax bills next April. Environment Secretary John Gummer has said councils can spend an extra 2.3% next year and that front-line services can be kept. But Labour's Jack Straw said it was really a 1.2% cut and Mr Gummer had accepted a £860 million cut next year and £1.5 billion in 1995. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:14/14    18/33     POLITICS    "LOSING BATTLE" AGAINST TAX CHEATS Investigators are fighting a losing battle against tax cheats operating in a "hidden economy", a report from the National Audit Office says The amount of tax collected from people for whom no records exist and taxpayers who have undeclared income from second jobs has grown to £86.5 million in 1992-3. But this compares with estimates suggesting the hidden economy is worth £40 billion, the NAO says. Among the worst offenders are building workers and car salesmen. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:14/19    19/33    "HUGE PROGESS" IN TRADE TALKS "Huge progress" has been made trade deal before the 15 December deadlinj, Sir Leon Brittan has said Sir Leon, who has been engaged in talks with US trade negotiator Mickey Kantor, said he hoped they could reach a deal, adding: "The stakes are enormous." He said the US had made concessions over agriculture while the EC had negotiated tariff reductions. But problems still lay ahead, Sir Ljon warned. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:14/14    20/33     HOME    FRANCE MORE OPTIMISTIC ABOUT GATT The French President Francois Mitterrand has said the most recent indications he had on the GATT dispute were more optimistic.    Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:14/42    25/33     HOME    SEVERAL KILLED IN SARAJEVO SHELLJNG Several people have been killed in Sarajevo in shelling that followed the end of four days of peacu t lk; which failed to find a settlement. At least four people died and 16 gihers were wounded b8 shevls i7 three separate incidents. Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic has returned to the capital without any territorial concessions. The Bosnian government also denied there had been any agreement with the Bosnian Serbs over the division of Sarajevo in return for land. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:12/08    27/33     HOME    JACKSON'S MOTHER MAKES TV APPEAL The mother of pop star Michael Jackson has appeared on American TV to appeal to her son to return to the US to clear his name. Mr Jackson is alleged to have sexually abused a 13-year-old boy - a charge he denies. Katherine Jackson said she feared her telephone was being tapped by police trying to find her son. unknown at present, although he is believed to be having treatment forTj drug addiction in Europe. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:12/14    28/33     HOME    FUTURE OF VOLVO "IN DOUBT" manufacturer Volvo has said the doubt. Pehr Gyllenhammar was forced out of office in a boardroom coup after Volvo rejected a planned merger with the French company, Renault. It would have created one of the biggest companies in the world. But the Volvo shareholders said they were unhappy with the idea that the majority of the shares would be in French hands.  Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:15/11    29/33     HOME    SOMALI RIVALS IN ETHIOPIA TALKS Somalia's two most powerful warlords, Mohamed Farah Aideed and arch-rival Ali Mahdi Mohamed, are to meet in Ethiopia later today. The meetings may lead to eventual face-to-face peace talks between the two faction leaders. General Aideed was flown to Addis Ababa on a US military plane. The US State Department said the Somalis must take advantage of this opportunity and realise they are ultimately responsible for the future of their country. Test Transmission in Level 2
P194 CEEFAX 194 Fri 3 Dec 16:12/1    30/33     HOME    ISRAEL REJECTS MEDIATION APPEAL Israel has rejected a call by the PLO for the US and Russia to mediate in talks on implementing limited Palestinian autonomy. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin said it was the responsibility of Israel and the Palestinians to reach agreement without outside intervention. The PLO said yesterday the talks had reached an impasse after Israel suggested its military withdrawal from the occupied territories might not begin until after the agreed deadline of 13 December. Test Transmission in Level 2