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P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/15   FROM   NEWSROUND  READ YOUR PRESS PACK REPORT HERE Standby for more stories coming up as follows - APPROX PAGE NAMES TIME 2-10 BABBAGE to FLOUNDERS NEXT 12-20 FRIED to LEWIS 2 mins 22-30 LINLEY to O'KEEFFE 4 mins Press HOLD to keep a page on screen Please go to p!ge 179 for reports P-Z  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:27/03   5/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  COMPOST HORROR by KIRSTI BEAK age 12 from Wolverhampton 85462 Kristi has written an imaginary report to show why you must check what lives in compost heaps. "Mr Herbert Hedghog, the sole survivor of the Hedgehog family who lived in the compost heap, said he was woken up by a tremendous roar. A small bonfire had been lit to burn garden rubbish, but hundreds of small animals were burned alive  T He wonders why humans never check before having a bonfire."  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:27/27   7/←0   NEWSROUND  NESSIE! by MARCUS CHIVERS from Weston-Super-Mare 69846 Marcus has interviewed the leader "Adrian Shine says that there is not enough fish in the loch to support a population of monsters. He rules out the possibility of any dinosaur, plesiosaur or modern-day In his opinion, if Nessie really does exist then she's a large fish called a Beluga Sturgeon, which can live up to 300 years and grow more than eight metres."  → MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:11/51   9/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  by Graham Docherty 70622 "In the 1950s and 1960s, Martin Luther King worked to bring equality for black people in the US people - both black and white - and in 1964 he was awarded the nobel peace peace. His struggle was a non-violent one. But in 1968 he was the target of Earl Ray - assassinated him." MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/03   10/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  FISH AND CHIPS by JESSICA FLOUNDERS age 13, from Belper, Derbys 84394 Jessica asks if the UK's favourite fast food is being forgotten. "With fast food restaurants opening traditional fish and chips? and were GB's first hot takeaway. Britain has about 8,500 F&C shops. were sold as takeaway in 1992. That is six servings for every person in the country!"  MoreRjpts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16<12/14   11/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  READ YOUR PRESS PACK REPORT HERE Standby for more stories coming up as follows - PAGE NAMES TIME  2-10 BABBAGE to FLOUNDERS 4 mins Please go to page 179 for reports P-Z → MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:14/27   FROM   NEWSROUND age 13 from east Sussex Katie reminds us that extinction is forever. "Humans are greedy creatures and have helped many animals reach the verge of extinction. The Blue Whale is close to disappearance. It is hunted for meat, cosmetics and other things people benefit from. In some countries tigers are killed for their bone and fur. I beliuve animals should be left to live - after all, humans have!"   MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/51   FROM   NEWSROUND  BAD BOYS INC by SARAH GORDON from Selsdon, S.Croydon 38148 Katie writes about the "hottest new heart-throbbing group in town". "Bad Boys Inc's first single was T5 WDonWt talk about Love' Just weeks after they released it, screaming teenagers were queueing for hours to see them. They have since performed all over Britain. away Take That's fame? Only time will tell."  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:11/03   15/30   FROM   NEWSROUND THE MILITARY by SALEM HANNA from Belmont, Hereford 41059 Salem asks whether the military is worth it. "The cold war is over, so do we really need Trident submarines? Yet there are countries that could still develop nuclear bombs, and nations that havenWt cut back on their nuclear warheads. I think a compromise is best; we should continue to develop new arms but in smaller numbers, and only in numbers to defend ourselves - not to start a war with."  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:11/15   16/30   NEWSROUND  EARTHQUAKE BY RUPINDERJIT KAUR JASSAL from Edgbaston, Birmingham Rupinderjit writes this report about the recent Indian earthquake. "India has had one of the most horrifying days in its history. While the people of western India slept, the earth trembled. An enormous disaster followed. Thousands of people were killed. Many villages were wiped out. Afterwards, the country was in a state of shock. It will take months  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:11/27   17/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  STAMP COLLECTING by JESSIE JEYAPALON, from Merseysibe 86978 Jessie explains why millions Tj of people collect stamps "Stamp collecting is a good way of learning about other countries, their wildlife, and their people. The first stamps were known as "lables" - the gum on the back was called "cement". People have collected stamps since the late 1850's. The hobby began in France - but soon spread to Britain It's the world's greatest hobby."  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:13/39   FROM   NEWSROUND  WHALES & DOLPHINS by GURPREET KAUR age 11 from Pudsey, W Yorkshire Gurpreet has been learning about whales and dolphins. "They belong to a group of animats called cetaceans and are warm blooded. A layer of fat, or blubber keeps them warm and gives buoyancy. toothed (baleen). The giant, gentle Blue whales are like this. They feed by sieving tiny fish through what is like a huge Venetian blind. Jj Dolphins communicate "y sound, using as many as 32 "words"."  MoreRjpts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/03   20/30   FROM   NEWSROUNB  from Bradford, West Yorkshire 75296 Keith writes this review of a musical he saw - Me and My Girl. "This musical's about a cockney called Bill Snibson, who discovers he's really Lord Hareford. He joins the Hareford family, buz has to leave behind his girl. But lovj prevails, and eventually the two get married. The performance I saw starred TV's Gary Wilmot and Jessica Martin. It had some very funny comudy bits!" → MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/27   22/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  OLD PEOPLE by LORRAINE LINLEY forget about those who are older? If you don't want to grow old alone then set an example by visiting elderly people who are lonely. There are charities which support those old people who need help. Why not give a pound or two to them? Never forget that one day you too will be old."  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/39   23/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  GIANTS OF THE DEEP by GEMMA LIVERMORE Gemma has found out some interesting facts about whales. "Can you believe that the huge creatures we know as whales once lived on land? Some scientists believe that dog- like creatures called Mesonychtds changed their lifestyle and adapted to being sea creatures. creature ever to roam this earth. car!" 
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:12/51   24/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  YOUTH CLUBS by EMMA MACORISON age 14 from Dewsbury 85844 Emma suggests how the problem of teenage crime could be tackled. "Young children play out on bikes. Adults go to pubs and clubs. But teenagers have nowhere to go. As a result desperate teenagers get into trouble and commit crimes. The Government should help prevent this by investing in youth centres or similar projects. T If teenagers had more to do, perhaps theyWd cause less trouble."  MoreRjpts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/03   FROM   NEWSROUND  FELICE ARENA by SHARON MCCAFFERTY age 13 from Glasgow. 82185 Sharon writes about "Neighbours" star, Felice Arena. "Felice plays the part of Marco Alessi in "Neighbours". In earlier episodes, he could be role. Felice is partly Italian, but was born in Australia. He understands Italian, but cannot and listening to music." 
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:11/15  →  26/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  PENPALS by JULIE BEVAN/ CLAIR MILES both age 10 from the West Midlands Julie and Clair write together about the advantages of penpals. "We feel that it is nice to have a Tj penpal to see how they live in their environment - if it is different from our own. The whole of our class was given a penpal from another school. Ours is called Jessica and we have written Wj would now like a penpal who )5 lives abroad."  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/27   27/30   FROM   NEWSROUND  MY PASTIME by Nicola Morris, age 11 from Milton Keynes. 87387 Nicola spends her spare time with her collection of model animals. different animals - they cost about 20p each and most of them are  T plastic. My favourites are two dragons, a toucan, and a cow. I started the collection when I was about three. The first model I got was a duck. It's colour is very faded now."  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:21/39   28/30     WORLD  SHORTLAND STREET by NATALIE MURCH age 16 from Rugby, Warwickshire Natalie writes about a New Zealand soap called "Shortland Street". "Here in Britain, soap fans go crazy over Les Hill and Kristian Schmid, but in New Zealand girls are mad about Martin Henderson. He stars as Stuart in Shortland Street which is a New Zealand soap. Martin says he thought it would be great being famous, but  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio
P178 CEEFAX 178 Fri 10 Dec 16:22/03   FROM    NEWSROUND  WALRUS IN DANGER by JULIE O'KEEFFE from Eastham, Wirral 13331 habitat is being threatened. "Huge oil deposits have been found under the sea. Plans are being made to drill them in areas where walruses live. Their feeding grounds may also be dredged by companies wanting to collect clams from the sea bed. If clam beds are destroyed the walruses may not have enough food."  MoreRepts World Summaries TV/Radio